bonding 2 unneutered males

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Brewster, New York, USA
(someone can move this blog to the right area)


Poker(dwarf hotot/mix) and Vegas(holland lop)-both are males, and once during the bonding process, they got into the same area and got into a fight(i dont think that will mess up the bonding process). they are not yet old enough to be neutered-ANYWAYS, i want to start bonding them now, even though the process may be screwed up after they are both neutered, they will be neutered the same day that way they can be immediately re-bonded...

soooo- what i want to know;;
how did everyone start their bonding?? what did they do, where did they begin-how long did it take?? if someone can explain the process as much as possible-that'd be great :)

i want to start as soon as possible.

i do understand that it is harder to bond 2 males because they may fight-but it is worth a shot.
I personally believe that attempting to bond two males before neutering is a waste of time.

My two boys fought once in that period before neutering, and all bonding efforts have been unsuccessful since. There have since been 3 major fights, and I will not chance another. I was too impatient, and it has made bonding impossible.

My suggestion is for you to save your energy until after they are both neutered and fully recovered with hormones settled (2 mos after). Only then would I start bonding, especially a bond such as delicate as one between two males.

I also suggest that you don't let one out to play in front of the other. My two seem to sass eachother... when one is out, he taunts the other "nyah nyah".

Here is a great Lagomorph Library Resource Link: Bonding Bunnies

I'm sure other folks will have more thoughts :)
thanks for the input :)

i will just wait then, i dont think it will be much longer...and usually i will take one out and bring him to the other room to play..they have been sort of tolerating one another since the cages are next to each other. they peek at each other and sniff the others' nose..if they dont bond even afterwards, i will get a spayed female-one for each, because i feel like they are lonely.even though they get plenty of time out-they seem sad in their cages..hopefully after neutering them-they will be easier to work with..

thanks again :D

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