Well-Known Member
Here's my story: My sister and I have 3 rabbits. Her two rabbits are one male and one female, Dutch and Kodiak. Mine is a male, Katmai. When we first got them last Spring, we thought we had all males. In June, I think, we addedDutch to the pen where Katmai and Kody were hanging out. All of a sudden, Katmai attacked Dutch. They even growled.
Since then, we've had Dutch in his own hutch, and Kody and Katmai in a large hutch together. This is all in the summer.
On November 1st, Katmai was deathly ill and almost didn't make it through the night. After a visit to the emergency room at the vet hospital, we put Katmai in my room where we could watch him. While all of this went on, Kody was in the hutch alone and Dutch was alone in his hutch too.
Three weeks later, after Katmai finished off his antibiotics, we put him back in his hutch with Kody. Katmai was kind as he could be. He tried to groom Kody and snuggle. Kody never really attacked Katmai, but if Katmai was too close, Kody would kinda nip and then run to the other side away from Katmai.
I got worried that Kody would try to hurt Katmai overnight. Here's the confusing part. I switched Dutch and Katmai. So, Katmai had his own hutch and Kody and Dutch were together. I did this for Katmai's safety and I already knew that Dutch and Kody got along.
A month later, Kody had babies. Kody stays with her babies at my sister's apartment until the babies find homes.
I've tried thinking of ways to put them back together.
My sister think that if we neuter the boys and spay the girl, then we can bond them. Is this true? Can they be bonded or will the fixed males still fight over the female?Is it really impossible to bond rabbits in certain situations? PLEASE help me! Kody is coming back this month!
Since then, we've had Dutch in his own hutch, and Kody and Katmai in a large hutch together. This is all in the summer.
On November 1st, Katmai was deathly ill and almost didn't make it through the night. After a visit to the emergency room at the vet hospital, we put Katmai in my room where we could watch him. While all of this went on, Kody was in the hutch alone and Dutch was alone in his hutch too.
Three weeks later, after Katmai finished off his antibiotics, we put him back in his hutch with Kody. Katmai was kind as he could be. He tried to groom Kody and snuggle. Kody never really attacked Katmai, but if Katmai was too close, Kody would kinda nip and then run to the other side away from Katmai.
I got worried that Kody would try to hurt Katmai overnight. Here's the confusing part. I switched Dutch and Katmai. So, Katmai had his own hutch and Kody and Dutch were together. I did this for Katmai's safety and I already knew that Dutch and Kody got along.
A month later, Kody had babies. Kody stays with her babies at my sister's apartment until the babies find homes.
I've tried thinking of ways to put them back together.
My sister think that if we neuter the boys and spay the girl, then we can bond them. Is this true? Can they be bonded or will the fixed males still fight over the female?Is it really impossible to bond rabbits in certain situations? PLEASE help me! Kody is coming back this month!