Louise Davis
New Member
I have two neutered mini lop rabbits a male and female. They have been getting on fine. Mum noticed them circling and boxing each other in there old run she just clapped and they stopped, then a few days after they started to circle them leap over eachother again I stopped them. I built them a new run at the weekend and the following day they had a big fight with Bertie ending up on antibiotics. I split them for 2 nights then put them back together. They are ok with this but I have noticed a lot of nudging and sniffing and scuffling the hair around there bum and Lower back? I’m not sure what this means. They did circle once yesterday morning but then just stopped. There has also been a few occasions where I have looking like they might start fighting again. I have tried to slowly introduce them into the run each evening. But they still circle eachother. Does anyone have any advice. Do I need to split them up?(this is what the vet said). There behaviour changes around food Bertie will bite me or Betsie for food.
Thank you.
Thank you.