I have 2 male rabbits, when I got them they were both supposed to have been female, but after we tried to bond them, they started pulling out each others hair. So we separated them, and while I was checking them over for injuries, I found that they were both male. After that experience I separated them. But ever since then, Zoey, my dutch has been trying to groom Simi my lion head through the baby gate that separates them. He even went so far as chewing a hole through the baby gate just so they could lay side by side to groom each other. Ever since that day I have seen no signs of aggression from either of them, but I'm terrified to put them back together, I don't want either of my buns to get hurt basically what I'm asking, is should I try to put them back together with the way they have been acting the past few months, or should I just leave it be?
I should also note that neither of them are neutered.
I should also note that neither of them are neutered.