Bonded buns and a new bun!

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New Member
Oct 3, 2012
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New England, , USA
I decided to post on here to see if maybe I could get some answers. I have 2 spayed and bonded female Mini Lops that I got in....maybe June '12. They are a little over a year old and were bonded before I got them. The other day, my friend was telling me about someone she knew that had baby rabbits. The girl who has the rabbits couldn't keep them and was going to give them to a pet store or shelter. So, on a whim, I decided I would take one. It would break my heart for a little baby rabbit to get put into a pet store/ shelter and given to someone who doesn't know how to take care of rabbits. The new rabbit is 2 months old and was weaned from the mother at 6-8 weeks. So this is just the overview of what has happened so my actual question follows.

I want to bond the bunnies. But, I'm not sure if I should wait until I get Oliver (new bun) neutered and until he gets a little older. Or should I start now? Also, even if I don't bond them right now, would it be bad for them to see each other at all. For example, if I brought them outside and had them in separate pens, but side by side? Any tips or answers are greatly appreciated as I am a first time baby bun mom and have never bonded bunnies before. Thanks!
This could be tough. Maybe someone else on this forum has had success with this.

I'm in the process of bonding 3 buns too. Well, I'd have to say they are now bonded. My final test will be when I bring them down to the area that used to be my girl's territory. The difference with mine is that none of them were bonded prior to their meeting. I believe this makes it easier.

Everything I've read says that introducing a 3rd rabbit to an already bonded pair can wreak havoc. But there must be exceptions. I referred to the following site for bonding my 3, even though she does not encourage a threesome. What I like on her site are the videos showing bonding -- ones going well, difficult ones, and impossible ones.

I'm not 100% on this, but I would think it would be best to wait until your boy is neutered before attempting bonding. His hormones might make him a bit too feisty in a month or two.
I would wait until 1 month after his neuter is done with. This will allow the hormones to be completely gone. In the mean time I would have their cages close to eachother. This will allow them to smell/see eachother so they get used to eachother.
Thanks! I figured I would have to wait but I wasn't sure because he's so little. Right now, they are stacked on top of each other. But I take him out and have him on my lap so they can see him but not get to him. I know they know he's there because they have been a little out of sorts lately, not too bad just some not normal behaviors like chasing each other. Not sure if that is bad but my girls seem fine.

I know it's going be tough, but I hope it's not impossible. The worst part is going to be letting him out in the space they are normally in. We will have to wait and see. Thanks for the sire, I'll have to take a look at the videos. :biggrin:

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