Bonded bunny, strange behavior, help

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Jan 20, 2015
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I adopted two bunnies 5 months ago who have been bonded for more than 3 years. Penelope (6years) and Samson (4years). They are both very loving to each other.

Yesterday I took Sammy to the vet for a check up due to some constant watery eyes. They said he was very healthy and gave us some eye drops to help.

Note we didn't take Penelope along with us because she is much more of a nervous rabbit and scares easy. We didn't want to stress her out for no reason. Sammy seemed okay for the most part during the whole thing. Was well behaved in the car and the vet.

Then late last night we noticed that they weren't interacting at all. This morning for feeding he wouldn't eat. Haven't seen him drink or use the bathroom either.

I called the vet back and she said I can bring him back in for some critical care and fluids. Which I will be doing.

However I feel his behavior may have to due with Penelope not accepting him anymore. He loves her to death and is always by her side but now she won't be near him.

I don't know what to do. Please help.
She should be going with him to the vets. He smells different now. Bonded pairs should do everything together.
If hes not eating take some pellets. Soak them then blend them up, add water or pineapple juice until their milkshake consistancy.
Offer a bowl of water for him spiked with a bit of apple juice.
Syringe straight water into him.
The tress of the vet trip could have put him off food. He needs to eat again. Offer fresh yummy veggies. My guys will usually eat cilantro out of spite if i spin it and poke them in the nose with the leaves enough.
Yes, yes ^^^^

Bonded bunnies must ALWAYS stay together -- especially for trips to the vet. I can't count how many times I've heard of bonded bunnies breaking their bond because of one having gone to the vet by itself.

If you haven't taken him back to the vet yet (for the critical care) be sure to bring them both. The car ride may boost them back together again.

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