Bonded bunny questions

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2006
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South Staffs, , United Kingdom
Hi! Long time no post. I have been lurking but have been busy and hot (Well, hot for the UK anyway, about 97). Not sure if you remember, but I have 2 rabbits, a netherland dwarf buck called Cookie and a lionhead doe called Twix.

Anyway, they were both altered about 2 months ago and we started the bonding process 4 weeks later. I didn't hold out much hope for the first 5 days or so, but then they clicked! Cookie realised that he didn't have to keep mounting Twix and they started to enjoy each others company, perhaps Cookie is a little more keen! Should I worry that I haven't seen them grooming each other?

I was also wondering how long I should leave them until we move them in with each other (x-large dog cage) and how should I go about it? Is it best to do a transition or jump in at the deep end? The currently spend about 5 hours a day together.

Here's a recent pic of them togeher.


They're so cute together! Congratulations!

Are they being aggressive at all still? Do they get irritated with each other or are they comfortable and relaxed?

It is a little odd that they aren't grooming each other at all. Can you pet both of them? I've found it helps to pet both of them at the same time, especially if they're next to each other. They usually think the other rabbit is grooming them.

If they're not aggressive at all and are relaxed, you could try keeping them in the cage together. Is it a new cage or is one of them in it already? If you do move them to it, just do it all at once.
Yay! Good for you! They sure make a cute little couple, dont they?

I wouldn't worry that they're not grooming...are they snuggling? At the very least, if they're not fighting when they're together, you're doing well! In another thread, we were discussing how if they're snuggling, you can rub one's butt and sometimes he will lick the other. Here's the link:

With regards to housing them, I went ahead and put mine together after they had been bonded for about week. As long as there are no signs of aggression you should be fine.

Good Luck!

Thanks! I was so pleased that the bonding went well, I had convinced myself that it was going to be really difficult, so was pleasantly suprised!

They aren't being aggressive at all, when Twix has had enough of his company, she hops away. They will often sit, lay beside each other so that you couldn't get a sheet of paper betwen then and often groom side by side. I can't be certain that they aren't grooming each other, but I haven't really seen any tongues! Sometimes, it looks like Cookie is nuzzling her back, maybe that's it? As for being able to pet them together, no chance! Cookie hates being stroked, more so after my hubby got fed up of trying to get him back in his hutch, so grabbed him, picked him up and then dropped him :mad:. Naturally, Cookie is extreamly wary now and will only let me stroke him ever so gently if I am giving him a treat. I may have to try tickling/scratching Twix's butt though, maybe Cookie will learn through her! Thanks for the tip

Oh, and we plan on getting a new cage for them, they each have a hutch, but neither is big enough for the both of them. Twix's hutch came with her when we rescued her. Itwas kept outside without being treated, so we plan on getting rid of hers and keeping Cookies brand new hutch in case we have to seperate them for any reason or one of them gets ill.
That is grooming. You rarely see tongues but the 'nuzzling' the back, head, face is grooming.

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