Blue Sky Acres' Rabbitrys' Playday

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA
So, today was pretty nice out, and we just decided to hang out with the bunnies, enjoy them and take loads of pictures! We also tried out our new FurBuster (also known as the FurMinator) and it works really great! Artie, our longhaired boy, really had great results and lovely coat after being brushed with it! At first, his hair was all tangly in some spots and really poofy, but now it's all slicked back and shiny and straight and perdy!

So, here are some pictures! Enjoy! (Please don't post until all pictures are on! There will be several posts, because we have about 40 pictures, don't worry...only the ones of the bunnies who don't have blogs will be posted here ;)so that takes away to about 30 or 25 ;))

(Captions are under the photos ;))

*Kalea-Rae; 5 weeks old; "Ima jump it! I will!"*

*Autumn wif her lazie ear!*

*Magic; "I's ignorin u!"*

*Bruce; "Ahh, yah! This is de life!"*

*Lily & Kalea - Blue bunny is bodyguard in action!*

*Kalea- Ready for her closeup!*

*Kalea - "I am SO cute!" <3 *


MORE PICTUES: (captions are under photos!)

*Kalea-Rae; Yummmyyy!*

*Sippers; "Pease let me out?!"*

*Savannah; "Is"*

*Savvy; "Time for my beauty bath!"*

*Savvy again; "What is this!?"*

More pictures!

*Bruce, being soo handsome! :p*

*Willow; Gorgeouss baby!*

*Raea; "Watcha doin'?"*

*Magic; "Hey down sere, bunners!"* I LOVE this pic of him!

*Lily, just looking for stuff to do.*

*Sipp-Mann; "Darnt, just let me out for poop'sake!"*

And, here are some videos of Kalea & Lily. There is no sound.

- Lily& Kalea exercising today.

- 'Lea & Lils in their cage the other day.

Enjoy! (P.s. There's still more to come, but I'llspareeveryone for tomorrow ;))


You can comment now! :)
Cute pictures - looks like the bunnies had fun.

This would actually be better in the blog area of the forum though. The photo phile section is set up to be "topical" like "Sleeping bunnies" or "Big and Small bunnies together" - basically - places where everyone can post pictures on a theme (kind of like our contests).

Since we can't all post pictures about our bunnies in this thread since it is YOUR rabbitry's playday - it would be best as a blog and that way everytime you have a playday at the rabbitry you could update it.

I'll wait till y'all respond to move it since I think I remember seeing somewhere that you were going to post a link to it...

Anyway - if you look at the titles of the threads in the photo philes area - that might help you understand what it was designed for...


P.S. I really did like a lot of the pics...nice to see you posting them!
Ok I guess I'll put some more pictures Thanks Aurora. :biggrin2:and Everyone else!


*Cute little Brucey! He LOVES the camera!* Look at his eyelashes! Aren't they soo cute! He has some of the best bunny-lashes ever!

*Willow enjoying her exercise time!*

*What!?* When I first saw him do this I thought "OMG! Magic has head tilt!" :( Do you think he does? He doesn't do this often, just sometimes, like 4 or 5 times a week that I see....??? :?*

*Autumn; "Don't touch me!"*

*Autumn (bunny) and Lola (cat); "Ima eat you, Loly!"* Sorry for blurry image of Lola!

*Bruce; "Wassup!?"*

*Poor Kalea...her looks scared!*:shock:

*Perdy Gurl Auttie!*

*The sweet, innocent guy, Arten!*

*Magic!* "Hi Mommy!" Soo cutte Magic!*

*Far Far Away! Whatcha doing Madge!?*

*Artie; "Peace!"*

*The alltime best shot of Brucey...these type of pictures are popular!! He's adorable in this piccy!*

*Sippers; "I's gunna go roc climin' and no bunneh can stopeth me!"*

*"I promise..I WON'T leave!" :pSure...!!!

*Artie, after being groomed with the furbuster and getting some medicine in his left eye! He looks sooo good now!*


*Sippi, after Magic ripped some fur out of him...:( "I'm gonna pummel that boi next time I sees hem!"*

And that's all!!! Enjoy!

So, besides pictures (but of course I'll get more up eventually!) I decided to let you all know that our rabbitry will be going under a full remodling in about 3 weeks!

We are building some REALLY nice all wire cages that will be inframed in wood...sorry if that doesn't make sense. :DI'll show you a picture of one someone else built in WA State.

Anyhow, we're getting the following:

One 6-hole hutch; cage dimensions are: 24 x 24 x 18

Two 2-hole (brood & English Lop) hutches; dimensions are: 36 x 24 x 18

One2-hole hutch; dimensions are whatever the current size of our two all-wire cages are. We're just making a frame hutch for these cages ;)


One 4-hole hutch; cage dimensions are: 24 x 24 x 18

These cages will be all wire with urine guards inside to protect the walls and other bunnies; doors will be all wire and not framed with wood; All cages will have pull-out-trays for easy access cleaning (YAY!); The brood and EL cages will have half solid/half wire flooring ;)and all bunnies will have easy mats in their cages to rest on!

We'll be selling one 2-hole hutch, (maybe?), and if we do, we'll be left with 21 holes, but the old cages will go outside (after being wheather proofed) to be converted into either cages + runs, or just spring/summer cages for some bunnies; as well as quarantine cages, etc.

In total, we'll have 21 holes, counting all the outside cages plus the two pet cages (one of which FallingStar is borrowing). So, we will actually feel and seem like a much better rabbitry and hopefully we'll start focusing on just two breeds - Polish and English Lop (maybe French Lop?) - but still keep all our old bunnies (except for Artie and Kalea). Artie will hopefully be going to a bunny sanctuary where he'll get a girlfriend, he'll be neutered and he can live out the rest of his life :).

Of course, I'll get some pictures up once we start building these cages! It will be in about 2 weeks, maybe less!

There was something I had to, but I forgot! yikes....:shock:Darn it :?Oh well. Enjoy these plans and wait for pictures! I'll draw up some fancy blueprints tomorrow and put them up here!

Oh today! Today was a beautiful day and a great day! We had someone come and get Artie at 2:00. He lives right down the road from us, so we are able to see him very often, which makes us happy! :) He went with food, hay, his teddies, and his dish and plaque.

After Artie went,we thought that the person who is buying Ray was coming, but they were have a Memorial Day Celebration and couldn't make it today.

Talk about spring luck - we're getting rid of bunnies and some manure! :) yay! Lol.

Well, at about 6:30 (pacific time) my sister and I brought out the bunnies for a photo shoot. Here are some photos of the day! Nope, none of these were taken by professional photographers - yet that's how they look!

-- Priceless picture of Mississippi galloping across the grass!

-- Ray begging.

-- Adorable boy! :)

-- Sippi grazing.

-- Autumn


Each of the bunnies got major play time today. Magic got training as well, and he was jumping at about 15-17 inches! :) Along with all these pictures, will (hopefully) come a video that I'm making about Memorials Day, etc.

Here's some more pictures! :)

- Beautiful girl, Willow! :)

-- SUCH a puppy!

-- Autumn. I love this picture of her!

-- Let those ears fly!

-- Our older sister's cat, Lola.

-- Ray, hims was scared! :?

-- Where's Sippi!?

-- Me laying with Magic.

There's still TONS more pictures, but we haven't uploaded them all yet, and I won't put all of them on here, since the seperate pictures will go in the bunnies' own blogs. I'll post more tomorrow! :)

ENJOY! Emily
Hi Emily... I tried to reply earlier but computer is going South on me again... same thing last night :(

Anyway, I'm loving all the pictures! Willow is precious... the bunnies looked like they had such a good time being outside, running around & playing:)everybun is SO cute! You and Magic are cute cuddling together too!!
No problem Trails. lol. Computers are sooo tempermental sometimes - seriously they have minds of their own! :p

Thanks! :) Yes they did have fun. Well I'm not so sure about Ray, he was pretty scared of the wind, but that's ok to be afraid of.

Sippi definitley had fun, especially when he was "trying" to "fly" lol :biggrin2:, and after I took this picture:


I couldn't stop laughing. I had only seen the quick preview, and i was laying out in the middle of the yard. Sippi booked it back to the shed, and I jumped up laughing my butt off and ran for the shed too (it's darker in there, so I could see better) my sister was all like "what? what?" and in the shed I showed her, we could not stop laughing! lol. Its' such a great picture of him! It soo captures him!

Oh my!! That is a GREAT picture - you caught that just right! and it didn't blur or anything, it's perfect :)Look at those big ears flying in the breeze! Did Sippi's ear heal up nicely?
Wow! Check out those gorgeous ears!!! You're right, the photos definitely look professional. I wish I had such a nice fenced in yard for Elf to play in!
In this photo you can see his right ear (left to us) where the chunk is missing:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^Right there. But it is healing up nicely, and hopefully we'll still be able to show him in Type. We're getting a doe soon, and we'll have another EL to show in type, and then whichever baby of their's we keep. It just sucks that he may not be able to be in type anymore :(

Thanks, Elf Mommy! Lol. I was soo suprised at how professional the pictures turned out to be but they were on my mom's camera, because ours died - officially, which sucks - but they are so nice. I love our yard, it's only fenced on three sides, but the bunnies play out in the rabbitry yard, or in the yard beyond that, to our trampoline. They get lots of the yard, except the back quarter of the backyard because there's a HUGE red-ants nest :shock:and tall grass where we can see them :p

OMG!! :shock2: there are TOO many photos to even choose who is favored photo but I feel "bonded" with Sippi as he had one of the earlier photos and he was not let out after so many before him!!

what a great place for buns to romp and roam!!!!

So cute all of them.. Will take some time for me to "digest" all of them and to suggest alternate captioning - lol!!

A new devoted fan to your site! :inlove:

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