Blood in urine scare

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Sep 10, 2009
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Bought my bunny from pet shop in Santa Ana on Sep 11 2005. She had snuffles but the vet gave me meds and she got better. The Vet told me to return her but I was already in love and she was so tiny, besides I live in Riverside. Her name is Thumper and I thought it was a boy when I first got her. Had her indoors but she chewed through everything, then put her in a room to herself but she ruined the carpet, then put a cage but family complained although she was being potty trained. Last year I finally put her in the garage during day and sneak her inside when i'm off work.

I do not have children so I tend to spoil her, buy her toys, hiding places yet she prefers toilet to my topic

She just started having blood in her urine so I got worried as this had never happened before (4 years) so I looked everywhere for answers.
Q. Is red urine from my Holland Lop a sign of a medical condition?
A. No, unless the consistency is more like blood than urine. Normal rabbit urine ranges from a color that looks like lemonade with milk in it, to orange juice with milk in it, to fruit punch with milk in it. Sorry if I just ruined all of your favorite beverages. Red in urine is undigested protein.


This made sense as I had given her half a toasted wheat bread :bunnydance:

Through research I will spay her to keep her from having any uterine problems. It is $150.00 at :

Pigeon Pass Animal Hospital
12220 Pigeon Pass Road, Suite L
Moreno Valley, CA

Ph: 951 924 5884

I'm open for any suggestions or advice
I am so sorry that this thread was overlooked. You most likely gave up on getting a response .
Very sorry ..:tears2:

most likely your rabbit's urine is normal rabbit urine which often appears reddish orange

Please don't feed yourrabbit carbohydrate foods like bread ; it is very difficult for a rabbit's gut to deal with carbs or sugars .
Your bun is very lucky that you kept her ; many folks would have brought her back...
I agree that bread isn't a good thing to give bunnies. However, the red urine is probably normal. Blood in the urine will look more like swirls rather than the entire color being red.
Is your bunny spayed? If not, the blood could be caused by some leaking from her uterus. Also, if you feed her things like beets, they have reddish urine.

If this doesn't sound like your bunny, you could always talk to your vet. Better safe than sorry!
Marcelle has a good point. A lot of uterine problems can cause blood to come out, and be seen in the urine. Again, that would be stringy, not an overall red color. Often, blood in the urine is an early indicator of uterine cancer or infection, and should be seen immediately by a vet.
If it's a lot of blood though, it CAN be difficult to see the difference.
When Hazel was pre-cancerous at 2 years old, she started bleeding a LOT, all at once. It did not look like stringy or patchy, but was very red.
I would suggest a vet visit immediately if she isn't spayed.

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