Blind Rabbits

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Since I couldn't find a topic on this, it was suggested that I start a new topic.

I'm afraidToby isgoing blind. He neverseems to want togo far from his cage. He used toscan all the time, but he's stopped. He never seems toactually look at anything and is startled if youtouchhim without talking to him first. If you waive your hand infront of his face, hedoesn't move or look at it.Everything else is normal.


I know some of you out there have blind bunnies that get along fine. Any advice?


Thats too bad.. :( :( I know Amy's Nimue isblind and gets along fine...I know others here have them as well....Ican't offer any advice...but I will say he's lucky to have you as hismom as he'll get the best care possible!
Yes Hon .

Remember to keep everything as near towhere he knows where it is as possable. Any change in routine willthrow him off and could stop him from eating anddrinking .

I found out with Black Starsecurity comes with the cage . I set herin the round pen the other dayand she went ballistic , poorthing had no idea where she was or how to go aboutfinding out . all she did was spinin ever widing circles lookingfor corners to secure herself into . ( trust me that wonthappen again ) .

Can You find him a Seeingfriend that he can get alongand Bond with ?Iknow with Black Star, Starla wasa good companion right upuntill hormones took over andthe Gender fairey came andwhacked her into a Him .( even experienced breedersmake mistakes ) .

Will He allow you tohandle and cuddle him ? I foundwith Black Star cuddling was securityalso , Feel Free to Pmanytime Hon , There isnt muchdifference with a Seeing rabbit anda non seeing rabbitexcept for placement ofcertain things .

Edit :

need to ask Before his sightstarted to leave , was he active? did he come out of his cageand hop around ? If he did be sure not tomove anything from where hewould remember where it is . There is nothing moreheartbreaking than watching alittle Blind baby stumble over somethingthey didnt know was there . I made that mistakewith a litter box , Black Star ended upflopping and floundering in it, on it over it andon her back before I could stop her .

Also Please watch him that he doesntget depressed enough to stop eating,With Black star I would puta chip of some treat that had asmell to get her to find herFeed dish after Starlagot divorced and moved away tohis own cage . Thesmelly treat does help enncourage him toget up and search out the food . Vanillain the water will also help him locate hiswater If the need arises .

Im sorry the poorlittle guy is losing his sight, its heartbreaking. The onehuge Plus in his sighless worldIs He Has You for a Mommy .
Laura....I have 2 blind bunnies!Speaking to him before touching him is the correct thing todo. Try to avoid loud noises as this startles them,too. Other than not changing where his food, water, andlitter box is...there is nothing really special that you have to do forhim. You might think about getting him a "seeing eye"girlfriend. I bonded Noodles (who also didn't move aroundmuch) with Funny-Bunny and he now goes wherever shegoes...whereas he was originally nervous about leaving his "3 footperimeter"!! Dancer, on the other hand, wouldrather be left be it! Toby will be justfine...relax & enjoy him. Believe me, he's adjustingto his disability better than you are!Oh!!! Don't move the furniture around! Charlotte
Thanks, Ladies. Unfortunately, Tobypicks fights with my two girls. He was nicer to them beforehis neuter! Now he picks fights with them. Maybeit's because he'sdisoriented now when he's out of his cage.

He LOVES to be snuggled. He never squirms or tries to getdown when I'mholding him. I'll be doing lots ofthat! He has a two story NIC condo, but he won't goupstairs. I have a ramp in there, but he won't useit. If we put him up on the shelf, he won't come down,either. Poor thing is scared.

I just want to be sure he's not in any pain or anything. Heeats and drinks, etc. normally, so I'm sure he's okay, but we're goingto see Dr. Hannon so he can really check him out.


Food for thought Laura :

Blindness only seems to be a handicap inthe Human race . Animals tendto do much better than us sillyhumans when it comes to losing ones sight.

If he is having issues with thesecond story maybeconcider one level for him . Space wiseits practical and with himbeing afraid of the ramp up I wouldntbother with it .
Yeah, one story still gives him plenty of squarefootage! I'll leave it two grids high so he can stand on hishind legs and stretch if he wants to. I'll just take theshelf and ramp out.

He's VERY normal - he just doesn't run at full speed anymore.He still has lots of attitude though. When I groom him, hegets irritated and shows me his teeth. It's the funniestthing because he wouldn't hurt a fly. He opens his mouth likehe's yawning and holds it for a few seconds. I need to get apic of that and post it. It's hilarious. Bless hisheart. He's trying to threaten me and I just laugh in hisface!


:laugh:,LOL ya they are all so toughat times all less than3 pounds of them lol . that is socute he does that tho , On afirst time seeing it I would have freakedout completely lol . I have hadthem 2 pounders come atme all teeth andtude not a pretty sight lol:disgust:
The great thing about blind rabbits is theirwhiskers. They are used as feelers when they are in theirrabbit holes so they won't run into walls. The nice thing isthey work the same way if they go blind. They just can't gofast anymore, but they can "see" a couple inches in front of them.

*edit* I think that the openness of second stories scare them because their whiskers can't "see" anything, even the ground.
Yes, he maps out little routes for running everyday when I let him out and he gets really cheesed off if I leave thehand vac in the wrong place. He'll walk around, slowly,checking to see if everything is where it should be, then he runs hislaps.

I agree with gypsy, animals don't rely asheavily on sight as we do. There other senes are much more refined thanours. And I would talk to Amy, Nimue is blind and he seems to be ahappy bunny!
awww...lil ol' man Toby!! I can't comment muchon the actual problem at hand, but I know he'll be just fine b/c he hasyou as a mommy! :)...there are several ppl on here with a blind rabbitand they lead good lives...i dont think it will be any different foryou!


quick question to do with assuming its a possiblity,although rare, for rabbits to be diabetic....are there any cases ofdiabetic induced blindness?
I'd never heard that, Freddy's Mom. I'm going to have the good Dr. Hannon check him out. I'll let you know.

My husband thinks I'm crazy. He says I'm just paranoid andthat Toby always comes out to play when it's just the two ofthem. He says Toby is just trying to avoid me because I'malways cuddling him or brushing him. He says Toby likes himbetter because he just lets him "chill" and doesn't fuss overhim.

LOL The Male logic lol gotta love it .

Im Sure when Pam se'shte thread she can answerthe question about Diabetis andblindness in Rabbits too ,

I wanted to bump this thread to add the info I got today:

We just got back from seeing Dr. Hannon. Toby's impairedvision is caused by a neurological problem. There's nothingwrong with the eye itself, the pupils react normally, etc.They can do further testing for more information, but he said hecouldn't guarantee that any resulting treatment would help.As long as I know he's not in any pain, I'm okay. He's aspoiled house bunny and will always be well taken care of.The vet said to just keep an eye out for other neurological symptomssuch as seizures or head tilt.

I also asked the vet to look at a "bump" over Toby's eye. Hecalled it a tactile papilla and said it's used for sensorypurposes. There is one on each side and they have whiskersgrowing out of them. After re-reading Mr. Stee's post in thisthread, I started wondering if Toby's are more pronounced because ofhis lacking vision. For those of you who have blind rabbits,have you noticed pronounced "bumps" with whiskers or more or longerwhiskers on those rabbits?


NO Laura i havent noticedwith Black Star but i willl check tomorrow in the daylight and see . Thatis very interesting to know ,Iam very glad you brought it up,because had I just found it and didnthave a heads up I would have freaked ,

I wish Toby's lack of visionwasnt neurilogical , I reallywas praying it was just because he wasgetting on in years . PoorBaby! Hugs for You and bunnykisses for Toby. :kiss::hug:
Thanks, Gypsy. Toby is only fivemonths old. I know he looks like a little old man, but he'sjust a young 'un!

I have faith that he will be just fine. I'll watch him like a hawk, though.


OOOPPPSSS So sorryLaura I went back and reread I thoughtit said 5 years ! :foreheadsmack:,I guess i am a bit dopeytonight . sorry .
How's our little Toby doing, Laura?


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