Black Star and Starla

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Sadly Starla as tobe moved to her own cage , Sheis getting hormonal toward Black Star ,Poor Black Star has a baldpatch on the back of her neckand there is furr everywhere onthe porch .

Sadley I believe Black Staris going to miss Starla as theyhave been constant companionsfor a while now , But Starla ishitting the tween stages . With BlackStar not seeing well Iam afraid Starla is going tohurt her inadvertantly ,

Black Star seems to have regained a bit ofher sight or purhapsshe just knows whereeverything is , she negotiates hercage very well . and I have put her ina spot where there isconstant north light so itis much brighter than before ,Maybe with the added lighther shadows are not so darkand confusing . I amhoping she will do fine without a companion butIf it should happen thatshe cant adjust tosingle cage life I will just have to gether another companion .
Hi Babe, I'm sorry to hear that youhad to separate them but, I know it is necessary. Black Starhas probably become accustomed to her cage...moving her to where thereis more light, was a good idea. I have the same problem withNoodles (because of glaucoma). Walmart (I think my secondhome) sells stuffed animals for $5....soft, cuddly, squishy, the toy dept. I have a bunch of them, for my"alone" buns. They seem to like them! Noodles haslicked/loved his "Lamby" since I had to move him from under thelivingroom chair, 2 years ago. (The other buns wereterrorizing him so, I had to cage him for his safety.) Hewould not accept the companionship of any other buns......until I gotFunny-Bunny...the one I brought to the Meet!! If he couldsee, I would say it was "love at first sight"...guess she smelled right!
How is Wooley? I had to move Puff, outside. Myunspayed girls were going nuts and pulling fur out because ofhim! Gotta get him neutered!!! LOL.Charlotte
dootsmom wrote:
HiBabe, I'm sorry to hear that you had to separate them but, Iknow it is necessary. Black Star has probably becomeaccustomed to her cage...moving her to where there is more light, was agood idea. I have the same problem with Noodles (because ofglaucoma). Walmart (I think my second home) sells stuffedanimals for $5....soft, cuddly, squishy, washable the toydept. I have a bunch of them, for my "alone" buns.They seem to like them! Noodles has licked/loved his "Lamby"since I had to move him from under the livingroom chair, 2 yearsago. (The other buns were terrorizing him so, I had to cagehim for his safety.) He would not accept the companionship ofany other buns......until I got Funny-Bunny...the one I brought to theMeet!! If he could see, I would say it was "love at firstsight"...guess she smelled right!
How is Wooley? I had to move Puff, outside. Myunspayed girls were going nuts and pulling fur out because ofhim! Gotta get him neutered!!! LOL.Charlotte
Walmart is your second home ???? Ithought that was Home Depot lmao. I will go to Walmart and gether a snuggy to love on , Iknow she spends more time with Starla onher neck that anything sojust mabye she will be ok

AS for Starla gettingspayed she isnt technically myrabbit , so unfortunately Icant spay her with out permission ,beings she is fullypapered I dont forsee thathappening soon .

Wooley omg lmao what anut , Still hates me , buteven Missy prissy pants gave inyesterday and was caught snuggling anIcy bottle , she saw me lookingand imediately ran and jumped in herpotty box : like nope you DID NOT seeme doing that , wasnt me itwas the other bunny >) I snickeredall around the garage doingrounds , that look of I amSoBusted, was SO all overher face lol .

AWWWWWWWW Funny Bunny is such asweety who could resistthat hunka buns , Iam so glad they get along good .
Quick Update on Black Star !
Sheis doing very well as longas I dont remover her from her cage ,nor move or add anything to it .

She does most everything by feeland by smell . If I remove herfrom her cage for any reasonshe will Spin and Spin , Its veryscarey to watch her and the only way to get herto stop is to flatten her headto her cage floor , and talk toher in very soothing baby tones . Evenafter she will continue to spinfor another minute to reestablishher Bearings poor baby . I haveheard the term Blind Panic but have never had towitness it until I started Caring for her.

She doesnt seem to begrowing she is nearly4 1/2months old and still only weighs 2 1/2lbs . She eats welll andhas a beautiful coat . She is healthy in everyrespect but for the growth ,. Justthought I would Share HerUpdated Picture with Everyone .


Enjoy !!
"Breakin up is hard todo"

Black Star might just surprise you and do fine on her own.I'm sure she's not having fun getting picked on and bullied.Thank Goodness you're there to protect her and watch overher. That must really upset you to see her go into her blindpanic mode. I'm sure yourreassuring voice andloving heart calms her right down. All is well, Mom'sHere! :)

Love hearing about Precious. She'sapipp!Love it that she has to sneak around you andpretend that she's not totally loving life. What a littlestinker! That little one is going to keep youguessing. I love her so much. Charlottedid such a great job of getting her to you. I'm so glad she'scome into her own in your care. Give her kisses for me ifshe'll allow you the honor.


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