Sadly Starla as tobe moved to her own cage , Sheis getting hormonal toward Black Star ,Poor Black Star has a baldpatch on the back of her neckand there is furr everywhere onthe porch .
Sadley I believe Black Staris going to miss Starla as theyhave been constant companionsfor a while now , But Starla ishitting the tween stages . With BlackStar not seeing well Iam afraid Starla is going tohurt her inadvertantly ,
Black Star seems to have regained a bit ofher sight or purhapsshe just knows whereeverything is , she negotiates hercage very well . and I have put her ina spot where there isconstant north light so itis much brighter than before ,Maybe with the added lighther shadows are not so darkand confusing . I amhoping she will do fine without a companion butIf it should happen thatshe cant adjust tosingle cage life I will just have to gether another companion .
Sadley I believe Black Staris going to miss Starla as theyhave been constant companionsfor a while now , But Starla ishitting the tween stages . With BlackStar not seeing well Iam afraid Starla is going tohurt her inadvertantly ,
Black Star seems to have regained a bit ofher sight or purhapsshe just knows whereeverything is , she negotiates hercage very well . and I have put her ina spot where there isconstant north light so itis much brighter than before ,Maybe with the added lighther shadows are not so darkand confusing . I amhoping she will do fine without a companion butIf it should happen thatshe cant adjust tosingle cage life I will just have to gether another companion .