black pepper sized ???? in hey dish.

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New Member
Jan 22, 2013
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new to the rabbit community ^^ just had a rabbit concern. latley ive been seeing black pepper sized stuff in the hey dish. i washed it out put fresh hey and went thru my hay and there isnt anything like that in the hey. by the time i come back to refill the hey i see those black pepper sized stuff in the hey dish. i was thinking it might be fleas and go thru the rabbits fur and its nice n clean. Any idea what might this be? i ended up ordering bayer advantage II just in case it is fleas will be getting it in the mail in a week. thanks you for the help.

My first guess would be seeds (but that's the gardener in me). :)

If you suspect flea "dirt" put some on a white paper towel, wet it, and see if it turns red. That's flea poo (blood).

Or shake the hay over paper towels to see if seeds fall out.
Hopefully you've got seeds.
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I agree with the above statement. Usually flea scat is stuck on the animal and for there to be that much in the dish all the time it would have to be an infestation of biblical proportion so you'd be able to spot them easily. Simple test would be to get a small amount of hay from a different source and see if the problem persists.
tried the wet paper method this morning didnt make the towel red at it. so im guessing its seeds from the hay. will grab hay from a different source and see if it is that hay..

thanks for the info . ^^

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