Black Mamba Valentinewas purchased near the end of May of 2014 off craigslist. The original owner named her London and bought her from a pet store in Chicago, IL. A few weeks after the purchase of London she realized that London was in fact pregnant. After delivering a litter of bunnies London lived happily with her previous owner for a year. After learning that there new apartment would not accept a rabbit, the owner put London up for sale and was purchased by me. I asked the previous owners if the rabbit ever responded to the name London and the owner said No (Thank God, Lol.) so I promptly named her after one of my favorite movie characters of all time (Beatrix Kiddo aka Black Mamba in Kill Bill).
Black Mamba or B Mama as I call her for short is quite possibly the sweetest animal I have ever encountered. She is calm, well mannered, affectionate, and easy going. She is not potty trained, but her personality over shadows that inability. I could never be mad at her she is too adorable.
In a very short period of time I was able to bond her with my younger female rabbit Waffles. The first time they met each other it turned into the Bunny Matrix. They both levitated off the ground and kicked/clawed mid air, but later in the day after trying again they both got over it and now a week later Black Mamba is grooming Waffles
Black Mamba or B Mama as I call her for short is quite possibly the sweetest animal I have ever encountered. She is calm, well mannered, affectionate, and easy going. She is not potty trained, but her personality over shadows that inability. I could never be mad at her she is too adorable.
In a very short period of time I was able to bond her with my younger female rabbit Waffles. The first time they met each other it turned into the Bunny Matrix. They both levitated off the ground and kicked/clawed mid air, but later in the day after trying again they both got over it and now a week later Black Mamba is grooming Waffles