Black Friday

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Why istoday called Black Friday?:ponder: For some reason I think I asked this question last year but I can't remember the answer. I did do a search but couldn't find it anywhere.

Its where most stores have crazy sales and everybody gets up super early to get take advantage of the sales, and it's gonna be crazy crowded.
Sounds like the name of a horror movie...:shock:

(and maybe for retail staff, it is...:p)

Well, at least we Canadians still have Boxing Day. :biggrin2:
It's called Black Friday because many retailers depend on it to lift their profits from the red (negative) to the black (positive).

When I drove home last night, I saw people camped out in pup tents in front of Best Buy! It was only 9 pm!!!:headsmack

As for us, my hubby is deer hunting and I'm going to the shelter in a few minutes to play with the bunnies. I refuse to go near any stores today!
I want to say it is "Black Friday" because the sales from today take the store out of operating in the red so that they are now starting to operate in the black and make a profit.

From Wikipedia:

Although Black Friday, as the first shopping day after Thanksgiving, has served as the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season at least since the start of the modern Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924, the term "Black Friday" has been traced back only to the 1970s. "Black Friday" was originally so named because of the heavy traffic on that day, although most contemporary uses of the term refer instead to it as the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black (i.e., turning a profit).

You can find the full article here:

JadeIcing wrote:
Amy sent me a text message she was out there at 4:30am!

Yep, I woke up at 3:45 am, left the house at 4:30 am, and returned home at 11:15 am. I am pooooped.

The line for Walmart was so nuts. It tooks us about 20 minutes JUST to get into the store. Target's line was about 2 football feilds by the time the doors opened.

Atleast I got tons of cheap flannel fabric & fleece for my rat cage, cheap movies, my neice's birthday gift, a shop vac for bunny messes, a mini sewing machine, part of my dad and stepmom's Christmas gifts, ect. I got a lot of stuff that I needed today. Target forgot to ring up my shop vac, but no way was I going back into the hell store to go back into line and pay for would take me another hour!

Ah well, Ryan's mom bought my fabrics and some other things. I got away with spending next to nothing today.

Well, I've been sick with the flu since Saturday and I've been getting steadily worse. I finally caved and went to the doctor today because I had a wicked ear ache this morning. Turns out I have a severe ear infection and the flu. BLAH! No Black Friday for my this year.

i got up at 3 am, went and picked my sis up at 330, on the road by 345 and didnt get in till 130!!!!!!!!!! i am freaking tired
Were the sales that good. How long are the sales on for? I want to go to Buffalo to get my Dyson vacuum cleaner, are they on sale anywhere?

SOOOSKA wrote:
Were the sales that good. How long are the sales on for? I want to go to Buffalo to get my Dyson vacuum cleaner, are they on sale anywhere?


They weren't on sale at Target, I didn't notice them anywhere else. You may still be able to search them through online ads. Like Best Buy? I am not sure what stores carry Dyson's.
I've never done the early shopping the day after Thanksgiving. The BF and I slept in until noon and moseyed on over to Fred Meyer at about 5 pm. We looked at their sales flyer and ended up getting a fleece snowman blankie for Rory, one of those awesome submersible blenders for me, and a roll of wrapping paper. It was all 50% off. Also got some clementine oranges, yummy! Tomorrow we may go back to buy a Christmas tree!
My daughter sold her Jeep Wrangler on yesterday,found an awesome black Friday car sale and came home with a Jeep Cherokee last night ;)

my sister, brother in law and nephew(18) started planning what stoers they each would go to back in october even without knowing what the sales were... the live for black friday
pamnock wrote:
My daughter sold her Jeep Wrangler on yesterday,found an awesome black Friday car sale and came home with a Jeep Cherokee last night ;)


LOL....Sounds like me. Last night, I just bought a 2006 Toyota Camry with only 10,600 miles. Great because I can fit even more rabbits in this one! I can't get it for a week because they have to locate where the title is and also because I negotiated for a spoiler.

Thanks Stan, but if you read the real small print you can't use them on:vacuum: Dysons:(. Believe I got real excited when i saw the coupon then read it.:p


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