Black Adder

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TK Bunnies

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
Well the WI rennisance fair is going to start next weekend, and like all the other years my family will be working at it! YAY!!!

I don't know why, but the ren fair always makes me think of Black Adder (staring Rowan Attkinson and Hugh Laurie's in a couple too)! It is one of my ALL time fav. TV shows!! It's almost as good as Monty Python! Seriously, you guysHAVE to check it out!

Here are a couple clips:




You didn't mention Tony Robinson! I love Blackadder. I can't decide whether Black Adder Goes Forth of Blackadder the Third was my favourite.

I still think the final scene of Blackadder Goes Forth is one of the saddest/best endings in television EVER.


Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Thats the second series. First series was The Black Adder, which is set in the Middle Ages.. Series 2 is called Blackadder II which is the Elizabethan one, Blackadder The Third is set in the Regency Period and Blackadder Goes Forth is set in 1917 WW1 (Just incase anyone is interested!).

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
What a show. My favorite one (not sure if its first or second season) was the one where they where doing the parody of the Magnificent Seven western.
I like the christmas carol one and the new years one where Blackadder travels in time and disrupts history.

I havne't seen any of the other ones. But I imagine they are as funny as the others, if not more.
Korr_and_Sophie wrote:
I like the christmas carol one and the new years one where Blackadder travels in time and disrupts history.

I havne't seen any of the other ones. But I imagine they are as funny as the others, if not more.

I LOVE that one. He gives Shakespeare a Biro and the Queen Polos :p.

Blackadder Goes Forth just got No.9 on the 50 best tv endings on Sky One.... the winner was Life on Mars which made me very disappointed... how can Only Fools come second and Life on Mars come FIRST? Anyway...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny