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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
:(Cinabun bit my daughter this morning,she bit her till she bled!!!! Well my daughter was in tears thinkingthat cinabun was mad at her, because she never bit anybody before, Iwas just wondering if she's maybe pregnant and if pregnancy could causeagressive or territorial behavior like this??? She was with flopsy aweek ago and he had his way with her!!! How long would it take before Istart noticing any pregnancy signs??
Hi Luna, If Cinabun hasbeen in the company ofFlopsy recently, then it maybe likely that she has become pregnant. A doe is likely to become moreagressive when she is pregnant. How old is she? It mightpossiblybe her age. We are just getting our stroppy teenstage with Snowy.If she is pregnant gestation period isnormally around 31 days, and before this she will become swollen andwill begin to build a nest. You should place a nest box in her cage onthe 29th day after shemated with Flopsy. To find out is sheis pregnant, palpateher abdomen lightlywith yourthumb and forefinger checking forlittle lumpsaboutthe size of a marble. Although I am not too sure when you would be ableto first feel these.

Good Luck, keep us posted!


Ps - just checked through this, it looked like a child hadtyped it. Bad grammar and spelling. My apologies if you read it beforeI edited it.
Cinabun is turning 1 years old in January!!! Shejust seems moodier lately, also when flopsy mounted her it was reallyweird she layed down relaxed and lifted up her tail and lethimhump her!! what does this mean, did she want to matethen???? well I already marked my calender from the day she was withflopsy to 28 days later then 35 days later just incase she kindlesthen!!! I will post updates on her condition, and I will try to palpateher!!!!!
The behavior you descibe with the buckusually indicates a receptive doe and a successful mating.

Plan on some little surprises!

About 21-24 days from now, if they mated 7 days ago. A nest box is a must! :)

good luck, she's a good age for motherhood.


luna21 wrote:
OHmy:D:)!!!!! I wonder how long before she kindles?!!!!!!:pIshould get her a nesting box!!!!
Remember the camera! Lots andlots of pics.... very important to have many posted online for the ....uhh..... scrutiny of healthy babies via the knowledgable base ofchatters here. Yeah...... you need them looked at's important! :D

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