Bitter Apple

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
When Dave and I were picking up Valuran andwaiting for the doctor to bring him out to us, we were talking aboutBitter Apple, that stuff you can spray on surfaces to prevent chewing.Lo and behold, I look at the shelf and what do I see? Bitter Apple. Itwas only nine bucks for a decent size bottle, so we bought it.Basically we're sick of spraying Abby and Valuran with the water bottleand willing to give this a shot.

Have any of you ever used it? I did spray it on some favorite chewareas that are off limits, such as the chair legs, but with all thatwas going on last night (we moved the cage, Valuran is in the sparecage), Abby didn't try to chew anything. I'm just hoping it's not awaste of money.
I've never used it for rabbits, but it workedwonders for my dog when he was a puppy. When everyone was out for theday, he was confined to the kitchen. He chewed EVERYTHING -- tablelegs, table top, chairs, cabinet handles. He chewed up one chair sobadly that one leg was shorter than the other three! We got some BitterApple, sprayed it on his favorite chewing spots, and it stopped him!He'd go to chew, then would taste the bitter apple and start lickingand get a disgusted look on his face. And this dog will eat anything --we tried placing pieces of bread soaked with first lemon juice and thentobasco sauce at the edge of the table to discourage him fromjumping up when we were eating (we hoped that the unpleasant tasteswould deter him). However...he ate them all!! Bitter Apple was the onlything that worked.
Phew! Thank you! I'm really hoping it deters themfrom chewing, especially on the carpet and the baseboards. Because wegive them nothing else to chew on, right? The other day I caughtValuran all sprawled out on his side, casually leaning his head over tochew on the chair leg.
i've heard of quite a few cases where the rabbitsloved the spray, so i wouldn't go hog crazy spraying things till youknow it works for them otherwise you'll be giving yourself a biggerheadache LOL

a few of mine LOVE bitter apples
IVORY SOAP!! wow never thought of it, good idea:) Since Jezebel and Jaden just seemed to be attracted tobitter apple as well....silly rabbits.....and silly owner since I hadgone "hog wild" with it at the beginning too-LOL

So far they haven't chewed at anything that'sbeen sprayed, but that doesn't say much yet. We'll have to see whathappens I guess.

We'll try the soap thing, if this doesn't work.
Cher wrote:
IVORYSOAP!! wow never thought of it, good idea :) Since Jezebel and Jadenjust seemed to be attracted to bitter apple as well....sillyrabbits.....and silly owner since I had gone "hog wild" with it at thebeginning too-LOL

LOL you hog wild girl LOL
I loved Bitter Apple. Nothing else worked for mysadly missed black Netherland Dwarf. She would even drink some of theother products out of the bottle ifshe could get toit. The bottle for Bitter Apple says to spray every fewweeks, but I used it once, and in thelast 3monthsshe was with me,I never had tosprayagain, or worry about her chewing.

I reallyliked it because it wasn't so strong you had to wearan oxygenmask aroundtheroom.Other than a couple minutes afterspraying, I never even knew ithadbeensprayed.That wasmy biggest complaint forthat Fooey stuff. I was choking, and she waslickingthe walls.

The vets did tell me though that every rabbit has different likesanddislikes. So what worked for Phantom, may not work foryour baby.
It didn't work for Peppy...I think he liked it.

We let Maggie chew whatever she wants (all we have is wood stuff) so, we don't care :p

One thing I found with Maggie though is I sprayed Febreze in herbathroom corner to get rid of the pee smell and the next day shewouldn't go to the bathroom there, she'd go to the bathroom aroundwhere we sprayed it...kind of
I use it with all of my rabbits and it worksgood. During the winter I put it on my english lops ear tips so thatway they wont chew on them when the temps get cold. It has alwaysworked for me and my rabbits.
Well, so far so good. They don't chew anythingthat we've sprayed with Bitter Apple. Valuran licked some of it, anddidn't seem to like it very much. I'm so glad, because our BRAND NEWchairs they got at, little chew marks, little beasts!!!

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