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Mar 29, 2005
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I heard that some Rabbits may bite those who tryto touch them. Then, What the precautions to be taken on this. Is thereany special Glows for the purpose?
Our rabbit used to bite out of fear when we first got him. As soon as he got used to us, he stopped.
Sometimes when I'm holding Poco she gets squirmyand nips my shoulder. I found out this usually means she wants me toput her in her cage because she has to pee.

Bet you never guess how I found THAT out!:shock:
kumar wrote:
Iheard that some Rabbits may bite those who try to touch them. Then,What the precautions to be taken on this. Is there any special Glowsfor the purpose?
We have 7 house bunnies and I get bit quite often for variuos reasons.

Binkie is the worst. She very territorial about her cage. If you reachinto her cage she prepares to attack. If you touch or move anything shelaunches that attack and bites very hard.

When I need to go into her cage, I open it and immediately place myhand on the back of her neck. I then use my other hand to do what Ineed to do. Once I'm finished I slowly release her and promptly removemy hand from her cage.

A good pair of welders gloves are nice to have on hand (literaly "on hand"), but it makes it harder to handle things.

:~) Jim
Cosmo will bite me if I pick him up and holdhim...not anything bad, just a "put me down" nip. Luckily, hehas no cage aggression and is really used to me going in there anddoing things all the time!

I've only had flop a few days but he never bitme, then last night, i had a few friends round and he bit 2 of them.Later he bit me. I think it was because he wanted to be put down andnot held - hes a very fidgety rabbit1

so far ramona has not bit me (knock on wood ) LOL...but there is a first time for everything and if she does I know shewont mean it LOL:shock:
BunnyMom wrote:
Sometimes when I'm holding Poco she gets squirmy and nips myshoulder. I found out this usually means she wants me to put her in hercage because she has to pee.

Bet you never guess how I found THAT out!:shock:

HA! Me too!

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