Well-Known Member
My new intact male lop rabbit Tank is a biter!! I know neutering him will help but I really need to understand why he keeps biting me before I make him bunny stew! I let him roam the whole apartment when I'm home and he follows me like a little puppy. Everywhere I go, he goes. I sit on the couch, he sits on the couch. Yesterday he jumped on the couch as usual with me and climbed all over me. I was petting him and talking to him and then......CRUNCH! He bit my freaking face!!! I was bleeding. I'm going to admit, I just had reflex reaction, and flung him off the couch! (he's lucky I didn't kill him). I tended to my wound and then sat back down on the couch. He ignored me for awhile then hopped back up. I tried to forgive and just play with him and then, CRUNCH! He bit me again, only this time, in my foot. At this point, I was so infuriated I locked him up in his cage for the night. Why in the heck is he biting me like this?!