Biting male:

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New Member
Apr 23, 2014
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Hi everyone :)
I adopted a pair of male rabbits and have had them for about a year now. I love them so much and think they are great :) just one problem. One of them sometimes bites when he gets nervous, I obviously avoid putting stress on him but sometimes I have to pick him up to transport him to/fro from their hutch. I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on how to get rid of this habit? It's not too bad but can hurt if your only wearing a thin top! Many thanks :)
From Malham and Marchard's mum :)ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1398277831.977666.jpg
When he bites, yelp loudly to let him know that it REALLY hurt, then cup your hand over his head and hold it down firmly to show him you're in charge and you're not happy.

Also, rabbits are context-smart. Before you carry them to their hutch, place some nice leafy veggies there so they can eat it once they get there. Same for when you carry them out of it, put some veggies or treats like small apple slices where you're going to set the bunnies down. Soon they'll figure out that when you pick them up, it means they're going to a place where yummies await them! Hopefully they'll stop being nervous about being picked up then. :)