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Active Member
Mar 13, 2013
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Already posted a couple of times on here but thought I'd still do the introduction! :wave2

I am Fiona and I am the very proud owner of a 10 week old Harlequin rabbit (orange & black) called Harley. Me & my partner, Danny, are her proud bunny parents.

I had a black rabbit called Sooty (he was either an Alaska or Havana, not sure what breed) from when I was about 6/7 until he had to be put down due to flystrike 10 years later. He was simply too old to fight the infection so the vet said it was the best thing to put him to sleep and send him to greener bunny fields. Although it was a sad end he was a fantastic pet and had a fantastic life with us. :hearts:

My partner's bunny experience is somewhat more saddening. After a few years living in his current flat (where me & Harley are with him now) Danny decided to get a little rabbit as he is not allowed dogs or cats in the flat. He got a little Harlequin and called her Mitsy. He got her at 8 weeks old but sadly one night 2 months later he put her to bed and she was happy and perky and affectionate but in the morning when he went to let her out she had passed on to greener fields. He never found out why. :(

Due to this experience Danny is an awfully overprotective and worrisome daddy over Harley. Which I suppose might not be such a bad thing considering rabbits tendency to hide when things are wrong with them. He also insists on only the best for our little bun bun.

Danny is disabled so I do most of the maintenance work (i.e. cage cleaning) but he can still have cuddles with her and do her grooming to form a nice bond. In fact Harley follows him everywhere she can! She has the free reign of our hallway at the moment but nowhere else until she is fully litter trained and when Danny goes into the bathroom and shuts the door she sits next to it and waits for him to come out.

Harley is the most curious bunny I've ever come across. We fell in love with her because she came to the corner of the cage to greet us in the pet shop and she licked our fingers through the cage like a cat or dog would have done. There is no way we could've left her behind after that. She is constantly standing on her hind legs, which Danny finds simply adorable, and has no problem with any of the new people she has met (i.e. my brother and mum). She will stick her head in her food bowl before it even hits the ground and is constantly sniffing at people's shoes. If you stand still long enough she'll start climbing up your legs!

Of course, as a female she will have to be spayed and we have the vet all picked out. Willing to admit I am feeling a little apprehensive about sending her off for surgery so young but I know it needs to be done.

Think that is all I can think of for now, quite a bit apparently. Lol.

Have already had some great advice on here and I hope if I ever need it again I'll find it here.

So, hello! :bunnieskiss
Hi & welcome, Fiona, Danny, & Harley!
Nice to meet you through your post! I still consider myself new to bunnies but enjoy learning & chatting bunny here! Everyone is friendly & helpful with any questions or problems. Look forward to hearing more about Harley & pix of course!
Welcome! Harley sounds like a doll. Sorry for the loss of your other buns. Glad you found us here!
Welcome to RO!!
Harley sounds like a great lil' bun. We need to see some pictures
It's adorable how she waits at the bathroom door for Danny!!

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