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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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, , USA
Does anyone on here happen to own any featheredcompanions? Just curious to know! And I also have a few things I couldget some tips on..
I don't own a bird, but my sister has a veryexpressive Quaker parrot named Polly (what else?). He's a sweetheart,and master of the house. Both my sister's dog and mine run wheneverthey see Polly get down from his cage and start strutting across thefloor...all 6 or 7 inches of him in height. He's bopped them both onthe nose to let them know who's the boss. :)
I have two chickens, Babs and Ginger (like onchicken run!;)). They are the funniest little characters and great petsalthough I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who likes to have a tidygarden!:shock:
Ive had canary's and budgies in thepast. At the moment I have one budgie who is coming up to 11yrs old and still going strong! :D

Ive always wanted a minor bird, but they are so expencive!!!

Oh wow, there's a whole variety! I ask becausemy Parrotlet is giving me a hard time being nippy, sometimes evendrawing blood from my poor fingers. Anyone have some tips on what worksbest to getKiwi to stop?
Here is a great link for bird owners...itcontains just about everythng you need to know about nutrition,handling, breeding, behavioral problems. Scroll down the page and youwill see a link titled "Bird Behavior & Training". Click onthat and then click on the one that says "Overcoming BehavioralProblems". In it there's a whole section of links on birds thatbite...why they do and what the owner can do to correct it.

I hope this helps. :)
I have an African Grey parrot and a Tawny owl,and between my parents and I, we have five ducks (three Indian Runnersand two Cayugas). My parrot is often nippy with me (she'sfour years old), but loves my husband to bits. We've only hadher a year, and we think the last woman mistreated her so she expectsthe same from me. She is slowly getting better though - I cannow clean out the cage without her shrieking like a little girl andupsetting the neighbours :?.
I would LOVE to have some featheredfriends....but, then, so would the cats...but in a VERY differentway. I GUARANTEE that our girl, Sunny, wouldn't rest untilthe bird(s) were in her belly!! She's too much interested inthings that are up, for her to leave the birdies alone!!Hobbes (our boy kitty) isn't much interested in "up" things, he's moreof a ground kitty, so he wouldn't be a problem...but Sunny is ALL aboutthings in the air!! :)

Stinky kitties...but it's okay, I have my baby bunnies and my two goofball kitties...I'm happy!! :D

Had four cockatiels when I was little, though...very sweet and pretty birds! :)
Lol...just not sure how long the birdy would have to say that...Sunny's quite the crafty little kitty!! :D

It would be something along the lines of, "I taught......." and then :shock:!!!


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