Bindys strange behaviour change

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
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NSW, , Australia

Any advice about the whole Bindy saga would be much appreciated,

Ok first we moved house about 3-4 weks ago, we used to live in acarpeted house now we have floorboards, anyway I lay out a blanket forBindy to run and play on and we have a rug which she plays on etc aswell,

Her moods have changed, she has just nudging the 6mth age of her life, and she has gone crazy.

She keeps jumping on the lounge, i put her down, she jumps up again ,this goes on and on, I have even resorted to spritzing her with a spraybut no she keeps on jumping up there, she has now decided to lookaround and see if anyone is watching and when she thinks no one is shewees on the lounge, It's a deiberate thing.

She has been making a gwaf gwaf type niose for the past 2 days as well,and tonight she was kissing me on the back of my leg and then she bitme, I screeched "ouch" in a high pitch voice and she looked at me as ifto say "oh what you making that noise for mum"

She is shedding huge amounts of fur, I brushed her tonight, she getsfresh hay every day, but still is picky (when she never used to be).

I got her a new cardboard box for her hutch to lay on and inside as shechewed the last one to bits, well she has done wee wees all over it shepoppies on it (which she has not done before)

It's almost like she is a naughty little child, I give her lovins everyday and I don't know if it's an age thing and her hormones have finallykicked in or what but she is driving me NUTS!!.

I am going to get her some different toys on the weekend, I'm thinkinga new ball etc, I gave her a piece of new paper for her to play withand she looked at it as if to say "ho hum... boring"

This all seems to have happened within the last couple of days.

I will be bald before the weekend comes from pulling my own hair out in frustration LOL

I love my Bindy to bits, and I want to try and understand what's goingon I have read that it's more than likely a hormone thing but I needadvice on this please before I go CRAZY!!!

Thanks in advance
Hello Ariel,

It sounds as if she's rebelling about the move to me. Just asa child will have a temper tantrum, it seems that Bindy is showing youthat she doesn't like change and is going to make you pay.

Hang on. I suspect that after she gets used to theplace, has it properly marked as her own, and accepts it as her Home,these behaviors will mellow.

She just has to let you know what she thinks of this wholething. Try to be patient with her and tell her that you won'tmove again.

Has she been fixed? It certainly could be hormonal, but Istill thinkthe change is having a major impact on herattitutude. Probably a bit of both.


Bindy is soundinglike she is having a temper tamtrum ,maybe the moev has thrown her off a bit ,Matbe a bit disoriented becauseof themove , new smells , neweverything, try waiting her out, it may be she isjust a bit more than confused andis acting out because of it ?

Thankyou Carolyn and Gypsy for answering me so quickly.

I tend to agree it's about the move as well, she has always been such agood bunny who is easy going etc, and for her to be out and out naughtyand almost sneaky in her behaviour makes me think you 2 are right.

She isn't fixed, and I have spoken to vets in our area and they all sayno to the idea, as they tend to think here in Australia that Myxo is ahigher risk than cancer, one vet said to me would you chop off your earbecause you think you might get sun cancer on it? My answer.. NO he waslike "well there's your answer" If we had a boy bunny and we didn'twant baby Bindys they'd do it but because she is a single bunny theyall say no.

I am hoping that with the usual lovins and attention we give her thatshe will settle down, also Brett has started a new job and he is awayall week and home on wekends, and Bindy is used to seeing him every 2ndday when he'd be home, so I wonder if she is missing him as well.

The poor thing must be so confused, I tried talking to my work matesand they just laugh and said I was NUts and that Bindy is a bunny not ababy (they said it in a nice way but they don't understand)

Brett said tonight to me on the phone maybe she is missing him and herusual routine of us all being there etc, maybe he is right.

I'm hoping it'll pass in time, it's all so frustrating and upsetting,I'm sure it'll pass I just hope it passes quickly. Maybe we need abunny school or counseller LOL
Sounds like some little bunny is telling mommy that's she's unhappy about the move! :p

As far as fixing her, I'd reconsider what the vet told you. As we allknow from reading various posts here, not all vets are the end all beall when it comes to rabbit health. I actually listen first to everyonehere before I'd listen to my vet. Thankfully, I did find a very rabbitvet in Ottawa shortly after we moved here, but still.

I just wouldn't want to risk her getting cancer. The chances just goway up without having her spayed. Obviously, it's yourdecision, but it's just something I'd really want to do. Also, herattitude could be because of hormones, not just the move. When Abby hitthat age, she turned into a little demon bun and I couldn't get herinto the vet fast enough.

I know what you are saying Stephanie, I hear you :)
I can almost see the little horns sprouting out of Bindys head LOL I want her HALO back!!!

I have even thought about telling a fibber to the vet and saying oh we have a boy bunny now so can you fix Bindy,

but I want to see if it's just a temper tanty about the move, she stillkisses us a lot but the weeing on the couch etc, we are getting a newlounge soon and I tell ya with the new one I can't wash the cover, soBindy windy has to get out of this "thing" she is on quick smart! LOL

I said today that not even my daughter was this hard when she was 2 LOL

But I will keep on keeping to a routine with Bindy and hopefully she'll "snap or hop" out of it all :)

Thanks for your advice;)
Oh jeez, the couch peeing thing! Chompers used todo that too and it drove me crazy. Actually, it got so bad that wefinally stopped allowing him to come up there.

All I have to say is thank god for the Bissell carpet cleaner I bought. Best $100 I ever spent!

LOL Stephanie, I know what you mean, the lounge thing I can sort outit's the rest of the behaviour that concerns me, Bindy still binkies soI guess that's a good sign, I think she needs a little extra attentionfor a while.

I'll fence the new lounge in if I have to LOL, we have made fences out of NIC sections to block off NO Go Zones.

I just had a thought, Bindy is closer to our fish tank at the moment aswell I'm wondering if that is disturbing her, I'm not sure, but when weget our new furniture she is going to move to the other side of theroom so I am hoping that doesn't start her up all over again but atleast from the other side she can see us better when she is in her hutch
We put up a baby gate to keep them in theliving/dining room, which is a huge area and where we spend most of ourtime. Of course, Valuran is now able to pull down the gate, if you canbelieve that. We had to rig up some cardboard so he would just chew onthat instead of tugging on the gate. Little devil.

LOL sounds like fun in your house as well :p

These bunnies never cease to amaze me at what they can do when they set their minds to things!!

Valuran sounds like a strong bunny, maybe lay off the vegies for a bitsounds like he's getting to much vitamins and getting strength fromthem LOL ;)
He is very solid and yes, he's strong too. TodayI had to hold him down because he was being a bully towards Abby andChompers and it amazed me just how solid that boy is!

Not sure why he had attitude today, could be the weather and how we'vebeen having the windows open. Little stinker, I was ready to stranglehim!
Its really hard to own an unutered/unspayed bunnyas a house rabbit. They begin chewing walls, digging, biting, loosingthe litter habits, spraying, stinking,and general madness. I wouldntexpect this to change with time. Some bunnies are highly hormonal andyou can get away with not spaying them, but some go nutty and youreally have no choice if you want to have a happy well behaved housepet. What you see now will probably remain the same or may even getworse.

LittleMija I hope not!

Bindy is normally such an easy going rabbit, she is never any trouble,she is still affectionate towards us it's just her hopping on the couchall the time and almost defiance to what we say,
and also the fact that she bit me on the back of my leg after she hadbeen licking me there, (which I later read is a grooming thing)
But yes she has some behaviour problems
(ok I say she's out of control but I don't know I just see her doing these things and think why and how do I help her)

, and yes she has gone through a huge change, so I'm hoping she willsettle down, if not then I don't know what to do except beg the vet toget an op on her (I'm hoping to take the slowly slowly path first)