Well-Known Member
Any advice about the whole Bindy saga would be much appreciated,
Ok first we moved house about 3-4 weks ago, we used to live in acarpeted house now we have floorboards, anyway I lay out a blanket forBindy to run and play on and we have a rug which she plays on etc aswell,
Her moods have changed, she has just nudging the 6mth age of her life, and she has gone crazy.
She keeps jumping on the lounge, i put her down, she jumps up again ,this goes on and on, I have even resorted to spritzing her with a spraybut no she keeps on jumping up there, she has now decided to lookaround and see if anyone is watching and when she thinks no one is shewees on the lounge, It's a deiberate thing.
She has been making a gwaf gwaf type niose for the past 2 days as well,and tonight she was kissing me on the back of my leg and then she bitme, I screeched "ouch" in a high pitch voice and she looked at me as ifto say "oh what you making that noise for mum"
She is shedding huge amounts of fur, I brushed her tonight, she getsfresh hay every day, but still is picky (when she never used to be).
I got her a new cardboard box for her hutch to lay on and inside as shechewed the last one to bits, well she has done wee wees all over it shepoppies on it (which she has not done before)
It's almost like she is a naughty little child, I give her lovins everyday and I don't know if it's an age thing and her hormones have finallykicked in or what but she is driving me NUTS!!.
I am going to get her some different toys on the weekend, I'm thinkinga new ball etc, I gave her a piece of new paper for her to play withand she looked at it as if to say "ho hum... boring"
This all seems to have happened within the last couple of days.
I will be bald before the weekend comes from pulling my own hair out in frustration LOL
I love my Bindy to bits, and I want to try and understand what's goingon I have read that it's more than likely a hormone thing but I needadvice on this please before I go CRAZY!!!
Thanks in advance