Bindy's First Nail Clipping

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
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NSW, , Australia

Ok Bo B Bunny I know you gunna be a bit funny about this , given youhad trouble with Bo and his nails, BUT I clipped Bindys' nails tonight,All by myself !!!!!!!!

She was ok with the front ones but the back ones proved a little bit harder but after lots of cuddles I got them done!

I can't believe it , I have been so worried about it but knew they hadto be done, I was going to take her to the vet and watch them do it butI though I have read heaps on here about it and decided to try.

So thankyou to everyone who has posted info on here about nail clipping it sure helped Bindy and I a lot!

I just sat her on my lap and away we went and of course I gave her ONE WHOLE craisin afterwards for being so good LOL
Well done :D! It's still a two person job in ourhouse so I'm suitably impressed that you did it alone first time! Noway could I manage that with my little rascals.

Bindy just seems such a sweet natured lovely rabbit.

Any recent photos?


Got to admit Kate I'd ike to put it down to beginners luck, but I thinkit was more along the lines of "mummy what you doing with my feet" LOL

We are lucky though Bindy is a very easy going bunny (till she keeps onchewing the wires of the NIC cube thingys we have linked together in asingle line to form a gate thingy infront of the fish tank to keep herout from underneath the stand)
There are wires there and we have it blocked off, But I gunna put vinegar on them or something, hopefull that'll stop her.

And as for pics I'm going to try and catch some over the weekend :D
Well, all I have to say is:

*&$)!_!_!**$$*$& !!!!! Why can't my bunny be a good boy about nail clips?! :X

You know I can't even touch his feet?! He freaks and takes off! :phe's such a booger.

Congrats.... I'm glad someone is having an easy time of it.;)

LOL (((hugs)))) Send him over here and I'll do them for you, mind you Ican't gaurantee he'll make the plane ride home, we might keep him LOL

Honestly I have no idea how I got her to agree to it, but she did, thefront was the easiest , back hmmm well that took a bit of cuddling butshe was licking me afterwards so I guess she isn't too truamatised byit.
I cut Nepo's front nails afew days ago by myselfand it wasn't really hard. He gotscared sometimes but he was good :). I still nedd to do the back nailswhich I know'll be hard.:)
Ivory's crazy about nail clipping. i cant evencatch him to put him back in his cage alone :p.on this topic,though, i have a ? about ebony's nails. they seem to be in need of anail clipping, desperately. the thing is, with Ivory, he haswhite/clear nails, so I can easily see where the red part (cantremember the name) is, and where i cant cut. I cant see that on Eb'snails, since his are black. how do I know how far to go? istherea rule of thumb? or am i just not looking hard enoughfor the red part?
i have a Question.... where do i get theseCrasins? maybe that will help my mom and i clip Cinns nails.. at Petcothey never clipped the nails... a couple of them are growing to theside..

congrats on Bindys first nail clippings! glad it went great! lol
I got the Craisins in the natural foods section of my local supermarket (Hannaford).
alright my mom and i are going to Sams Clubtoday.. the only prob. is that new food she wont take from my hands ifits her food she will
Cinnabun wrote:
alright my mom and i are going to Sams Club today.. the onlyprob. is that new food she wont take from my hands if its her food shewill
I think once she tastes her first Craisin...she'll take them from your hand or any way she can get them. ;)


lol! she prob. will! she's soo big! lmao! ses gota big round tummy! somedays i wonder if they lied about her beingfixed, and that shes gonna have babies! :shock: because he tummy is soobig! lol.. thanks for the picture too! lol i thought like it wassomthing you ad to like pick your own or somthing! lol
Dreamgal my rabbits all have black nails :?. Iget my daughter to sit holding the bun near a bright light then I holdthe paw in front of the light and the light shines through the nailshowing which is the quick and which bits its safe to cut.

Failing that you could just cut tiny bits off each time, but the light is a quicker more reliable method :).


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