When I got my first rabbit almost 20 years ago,and didn't know any better, I fed him Big Red (sold in Agway stores)all his 9 1/2 years. He had a long, healthy life, up until his lastweek on this earth.
Now - being an educated and much wiser rabbit slave, I know thatalfalpha based pellets are not good for older rabbits because of thehigh calcium content. My second bun, Muggs developed bladder stonesfrom the Big Red. I then started feeding only Timothy based pellets(Oxbow, American Pet Diner, ect).
Since then, I've adopted rescues that were older, so I have stuck withthe Timothy based. I believe the rule of thumb is alfalpha pelletsuntil they are two years, then switch to Timothy.
Anyhow - my experience with Big Red was always good. It was consistantin it's content. But - I haven't used it for 6 years now because of theold buns.
The Big Red pellets were quite big back then - perhaps they make them smaller to accomodate smaller/younger bun's mouths?