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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Buzzard Twp., Ohio, USA
I forgot to introduce myself after joining theforum. I am a new member, however, I have lurked for over ayear. Many thanks to all of you who have added to my rabbitknowledge and many thanks to Carolyn for her excellent job asadministrator.

My husband and I live inOhio with our 18house cats(14 senior cats and 4 under the age of 5). We also have 3house rabbits: Melody - 3 year old female grey lop (see theavatar), Wilbur - 2 year old mini-rex, Dubya - 2 year old Dutchboy. All the cats and rabbits are spayed andneutered. We have been bunny parents for 16 years and I havebeen a cat addict for about 43 years.

Even though we have been bunny parents for many years,welearn something new about rabbits every week. The rabbitshave their own room and are free-run for the most part.Melody and Wilbur are bonded. Melody and Dubya adore eachother. Wilburis a bit jealous and willoccassionally snatch Dubya's fur so I am working on car rides with thetrio. Our former rabbits, Coney Island, Eugenia Victoria,Alexander and Fredrica passed away at the ages os 12 yearsto15 years. Animals seem to have found the fountain of youth atour house.

In case you are wondering, the cats and rabbits do finetogether. One of Melody's entertainments is to chase as manycats as possible. For the most part, the cats and rabbitsignore each other. I'll hunt down a few pictures to post butwe aren't much on photograhy.

Thanks for letting me join.

Ann // seniorcats

Welcome Ann , loli thought you were aregular who just hadnt posted na while lol , Gladyour with us tho , makes lifemore fun.
Welcome aboard,Seniorcats,

Your rabbits sound like they have such a wonderful life. I'mglad you decided to be a member rather than stay a guest.I've enjoyed your input very much.

lyndsy wrote:

Can I come live at oyur house, it sounds like my kinda place....

Sure you can! As junior house member, you will get litter box duty - LOL! :D

Carolyn, thanks for your kind comments.


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