Bet Ya Can't Have Just One

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Some of you may remember me and my 2 boys, Mocha and Spice,from before and I have some exciting news!

I'm adding a 3rd rabbit to the group! I'm getting a young Holland Lop doe in the next few weeks from a breeder.

I'm so excited. :bunnydance:Boy arerabbits are contagious!
So look forward to your new addition,MBB. :) Let me know if you wish to change yourname. I thought about you last night as I was petting Faunabecause I know how you loved her.

Can't wait to see pictures and to welcome the new little one.

congrats!!! its always so excitingadding a new bun to the family wishing the best for all ofyou and that they all bond well together!!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Congrats!!! I dearly LOVE my Holland (Corky)..he's got aWONDERFUL personality...

Besides, he's a Miracle Bunny.

Thanks everyone, I'm so excited! I'm hoping to bond her with Mocha.

I already have everything I need and me and my dad are slowly buildinga hutch -- very slowly because my dad is still recovering from hisaccident when he fell off the deck and broke his L3 vertebrae and hisheal. This hutch will be 5' by 2.5' and the bonded pair will be in itbut only for the winter because the enclosed box is the only one thatwill be big enough for 2 rabbits. We're taking the divider out of myold hutch when they're bonded and that will be the bonded pairs summercage (it's 8' by something like 2') and the single rabbits winter cage.Luckily my current big hutch has wire as a divider so it's a perfectbonding cage.

It will be around 3-5 weeks before i get her, it depends on whatbreeder I go with and when they're ready. I had a breeder near me offerto ship a Holland doe from BC for free with her rabbits in a few weeksif the breeder had anything of interest to me, I'm going to take thatoffer if she has something I like. All I have to do is pick her up andpay for the cost of the rabbit. I thought that was very nice.
Woo hoo! New bun in the that must be really awesome. Post up some pics of the new family member?

I'll post pictures as soon as I get some sent tome or when I get her and can take them myself. Right now I know nothingother than it's a Holland Lop doe. I haven't picked a specific one nora specific breeder but I'm currently in contact with 2 breeders andanother possible one from BC. I only know it's a doe because I saidthat under no circumstances can I take another buck.

Anyways, I hope to have more information soon!
Hey there MBB! Long time no see =) Glad to have you back.

So excited about pictures of those two boys of yours... and of course the new addition! Yay =)

Dont be a stranger!
I'll get around to more pictures but I haven't been taking many lately, that will change once I get my baby girl.

I really wanted a Flemish but it's not feesible right now. My 8' by 2'hutch would have had to be all hers and then I would have needed 2hutches built instead of just one, LOL. So a Holland is the next bestthing.. plus, I want my lop!
That's great news, MBB! I also have three, butthe opposite of yours - I have two girls and a boy. I LOVE havingthree! And one of mine is half Holland Lop so sometimes she has one earup and one down and we call her "Propellerhead" because she looks likeshe has on one of those propeller beanies!

Enjoy your new addition!:)
Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.How are Mocha and Spice. I've missed them. I can't wait to hear whatyou decide. It's all very exciting.


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