Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?

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at this point in my life I have three.

-Being adopted

-Marrying my husband

-The day I realized life is not always fair but you can make it the best you can its all up to you.

I think the only thing I may add in 30 or 40 years is becoming a mother and a grand parent.
My Parents and my family- I am so lucky I can't explain. They will always be there for me, we can all go out and get drunk and have a great time, if i ever have a problem, they WILL solve it. Nothing is too much for them for us and I love them so much.

Benji and Pippin (and the doggies and cats)- they bring so much light into my life. I love them all with all my heart and can't imagine my life without them.

Getting into my favourite Uni :D

And a million others

Brandon. Right now he is my boyfriend but hopefully someday he will be more. He is such a great guy and he is always there for me.

My animals. I love love love my pets!

My parents. Although we may not agree on everything (for example the fact that Brandon and I live together....they don't know that we're getting an apartment together in the fall, they think I'm getting it with a friend) they have done SO MUCH for me and I wouldn't be here without them ;)
The best things that have happened to me:
1) my parents finally let me adopt my first dog 7 years ago and he is the best boy ever and has helped me through a lot.
2) my old serious boyfriend dumping me - it hurt like hell and still does a little bit but I have grown so much and now have my own home and all the best pets I could dream of and I am a more confident person.
it's probably a cross between...
*getting Barney
*Seeing a newborn foal
*Having a 2hour hack around the new forest on a beautful pony
*Barney's birthdays
*having my first ever riding lesson

(yep ypu've guessed i love horseriding!)

The worst thing that has ever happened was when i got bucked off a pony and haven't been able to get back on since(from nervbe not injury. I reallly want to but i get scared :( )
Having parents who let my love for animals grow over the years and let me bring every animal I found home..and fed them..because that's what I parents ever!
My Christian faith as to be the #1 thing as it has always sustained me even through the bad times. Its always nice for me to know God is only a prayer away.

My husband is definitely next. We were so young and so different - no one said we'd make it - but its been 30 years.

My kids are next - I may have never had a "career" but I loved being a stay-at-home mom for most of their lives.

and finally - my bunnies have added so much joy to my life - I can't begin to explain it. Seeing their little furry faces in the morning - even if I have to dump litterboxes and clean cages - its so well worth it.

Definitely my children, and I KNOW that sounds cliche but it's the truth. T may have come at a poor time but if I hadn't had him when I did then I would NOT be the person I am today, not at all.

My wife would be another of the best things that ever happened to me... Everyday I appreciate how lucky I am to have her in my life, and as my partner in everything I do.

As far as EVENTs... Um. I really don't know haha! I've always been decently lucky. Ah! Okay! The best random thing that's happened to me is that I was able to meet Katherine Heigl on some weird twist of events a couple years ago. That was really, really neat.
TinysMom wrote:
My husband is definitely next.  We were so young and so different - no one said we'd make it - but its been 30 years. 

Peg, do you have any idea how happy that made me? It just made my day :) ! You are probably wondering why. Well right now, everyone is saying "Oh your just a teenager, you don't know what love is, you won't be with this guy longer than a couple of months". Well we are going to prove everyone wrong ;) But I love the fact that you & your husband are still together, after everyone disagreed :) !
-Getting out of a crappy job in insurance to go to vet tech school.
-Finding a wonderful church, and becoming Episcopalian
-Marrying my husband.

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