Best housing for a Bun

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
So even though Massimo and I don't have our bunny yet, we're thinking about caging options and what is the best option.

Background info: The primary cage will be in an apartment so there wont be a whole lot of space. When Massimo wont be able to take care of it (like certain weekends), the bunny will come to my house where there is a lot more room.

For the primary housing
We were thinking of a store bought cage at first simply because of space issues and then having a space for it to run around. However we have now moved on to thinking it might be better to build our own so that we can build up instead of keeping it low to the ground and building out. We would of course still let it have a space to run around but would this be ok for a cage? Build up and have spaces for it to jump up on? Different levels and ramps?

Also other people live in the apartment so we were thinking to put the cage in the living room (with a list of rules so our beautiful little bun will be treated properly) so that it can get used to the noise level and the smells of other people. Would this be ok or would it be better to keep it in Massimo's room?

For the secondary housing
Since it wont be in this cage very often, would a store bought cage be ok or should we build our own for this cage to?

Katie and Massimo:hearts
It depends on how much up and how much out.

Bunnies are grazers, built more for hopping about than hopping up (though some enjoy the sights). Many people have condos with levels and their rabbits do take advantage of it. However, bunnies tend to do much better in a rancher than a sky-scraper.
Each bun is unique. Agnes is a climber so building up works for her. We have a 3 level condo that she loves. Even when she's free run in our huge basement, she spends time trying to figure out how to get higher (scaring me to death in the process--lol)

We bought our NIC cage rather than build it ourselves. Way more expensive but it worked for us time and convenience wise. We have the 3 level one on their home page but we did steps instead of ramps.

If you want to see more pics. Check out my blog.
I think the opinions will vary about what rabbits will do better in: skyscraper versus rancher. I think we'll find that the percentages are pretty close as far as happy, healthy bunners.

Maybe start with a rancher style and add a level in the future to see how your bun likes it. :)
Thank you for the replys :D

Lisa (agnesthelion) I told Massimo about that link you gave me and I went to look at your blog! I think we might get a similar cage from wonderland cages :)

We are very happy with it. It was way more expensive than building our own but it came close to assembled, coroplast already cut and formed and instructions with pictures. The owner was great to communicate with to. I asked a million questions by email and he stayed in contact the entire time.

Let us know what you get!
I already emailed them to see if they'll ship it to Canada! From the site it didn't look like they do but it doesn't hurt to ask :p
Thanks jordan! I do see what you mean about skyscrapers though. Agnes's does have room on each level. We like it :)

She is such a climber though she cracks me up! She probably like more levels! Hahaha
Harriet had a dog crate the first few days I had her so I could get an idea of what she was like. I soon upgraded to a large store bought cage. Then added an Xpen around it because she enjoys her cage. I think she likes the small home, she's always crawling into small, tight places. She spends a lot of time in her cage even when the doors are open and she's free to roam.

I've considered ordering an XL cage, and I might once I move, but right now she seems happy and healthy with what she's got.
So what I'm getting from this is that it might be best to just wait until we get the rabbit and see what it likes?

We were going to order a cage from wonderland cages but the shipping was just far too much ($141 just to ship!) we'll probably end up making our own cage at some point. Massimo is already thinking about ways to build it lol.
It is simple to make the sort of cage wonderland cages has on your own relatively inexpensively.

I was under the impression that Agnes's mom ordered from them because it was more convenient for her.
I think no matter what style of cage you decide on, one of the common themes here is building your own cage is fairly easy and generally makes for a nicer living arrangement.

When you build your own cage you will get a cage tailored to your exact situation and space. You can also alter your cage as needs change. I would say that buying a cage is difficult because the only cages I tend to see are either small or expensive.
I'm almost positive we will be making our own cage now. The pros definitely outweigh the cons when it comes to build your own lol

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