Best Hay?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
I currently feed Midas Oxbow western timothy hay and he loves it! However, it has been really dusty so I want to try a new hay.

I was looking at sweet meadow and kleenmama.

Has anyone tried sweet meadows meadow hay? I would like to order some timothy hay and some meadow hay.

How about kleenmamas bluegrass hay?

Any thoughts?
I use Kleenmama's timothy hay. I have also ordered her orchard hay I think it was. My rabbits love it. I was feeding Oxbow and Kaytee before and they go crazy over Kleenmama's hay.
From what I understand from other members, Oxbow quality varies greatly. Sometimes it's awesome and sometimes it stinks.

My current favorite is Kleenmama's. The hay is always second to none (my favorite is 3rd cut)and Linda is the queen of customer service. A little pricey when shipping is considered, but worth it.
I'm on the east coast and I found that with shipping, buying 30 lbs of Kleenmama's hay is about the same price as 50 lbs of Oxbow's timothy hay. The price was about $54. However, the Oxbow hay irritated the allergies of both humans and bunnies so much that it didn't even seem worth the extra 20lbs of hay, of which I think 5-10lbs was dust/ powder/unfeedable anyway!

I switched from Oxbow to Kleenmama and I am extremely happy about it. Kleenmama bluegrass is excellent. I also got Kleenmama 3rd cut timothy hay which my rabbit Kirby goes gaga over. I feed my bunnies both bluegrass and timothy to give them some variety. The quality is really excellent.

I haven't tried Sweet meadow yet but have also heard unaimously that they are wonderful.
Oxbow hy has been very very good for the last 6-8 months, however, it is not predictable and last spring it was small pieces that were dusty; right now it is long and green with no dust.
I still buy from them becauseI have to order CC and pellets anyway.

Iwish it always was as good as it is right now
I've ordered both kleenmama's and sweet meadow hay. I am much more impressed by the quality, smell and look of kleenmama's hay. I've ordered 2nd cut timothy and bluegrass and Kirby loved both. She likes the sweet meadow hay too but it is much more brownish and stringy/weedy looking.
My large population of rabbits love Kleenmama's hay. Fantastic quality and customer service. I have never been anything other than perfectly satisfied with their product. Only down side for me is shipping costs. But the hay is great. I also use a lot of Sweet Meadow Farm. It is an eastern timothy hay and is usually very soft. All of my group loves it. I also use Bunny Bale. It is a timothy hay grown in the mountains of Virginia. It is usually a very long stemmy hay.....really works those teeth. It can be a little dusty at times but I like it due to the way it works the teeth. I have not used American Pet Diner due to their very high prices. I rarely use Oxbow due to their quality issues from time to time. My rabbits also don't tend to eat Oxbow as well.

An option that should be considered is locally available hay. I use lots of mixes that are baled for horses. It usually comes at a fraction of the cost of the "premium" hays. Any hay that is safe fora horse is safe for a rabbit.


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