Best friend's dog bit by a rattle snake....

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
Please keep Zeena in your thoughts and prayers. She was bit by a rattle snake about 15 minutes ago. They have an E-vet on their way to their house to help. They aren't sure they can afford the bill or if the vet will take payments.

Please think of Zeena and her family.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers that Zeena will be okay...your friend and the family must be beside themselves with worry right now...:(
I've read that anti-venom is very expensive, so if the vet carries it, he/she's not going to want to get stuck with the bill. Hope it works out.

Benadryl and prednisone seem to be standard treatments along with antibiotics.

sas :pray:
I have never had a dog bit by a rattle snake... but ours occasionally gets bit by cooton mouths and old home remendy of milk seems to work .... I will keep your friends dog in m y prayers ... keep us posted..
They are really bad down there aren't they?

Is the dog big or small? and was it bitten bad? how were they sure it was a rattle snake? any details?

The rattler was a baby, not too big. They found it and killed it (sorry for saying that).

Zeena (a medium sized mix breed) is doing just fine. She got bit on the nose. The vet asked her symptioms and told them to give her Benadryl. Mallary (my friend) said that her nose was huge, swollen and bleeding. She is fine now though. She got VERY lucky.

They ALL got lucky. Mallary's 4 year old neice was in the yard playing with Zeena when she got bit. Haley yelled for everyone to come outside and Zeena was whinning. They were sooo lucky Haley didn't get bit.
I'm glad every thing was okay!! I agree that they need to get rid of it, even though it's sad.

We have a couple stray timber rattlers around here, I've never seen one my self, but my dad says that you find them occasionly.

What we have lots of is cotton mouths and copper heads. When I was little we were hiking up a trail and we came across 2 copper heads and one BIG cotton mouth.

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