Best cat deterrant

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Sep 1, 2006
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Any ideas? Sadly indoor space dictates the bunny lives outside, but we have several cats around...


I don't know of any deterrants but if you havecats coming into your garden it's important that your rabbit's hutchand run are very sturdily built, with strong wire (not chicken wire)with small holes in it so a cat can't get it's paw through, and boltson all doors/hatches so that a cat can't get to your rabbit.

Are you sure you can't keep the rabbitinside? Lots of us have kept rabbits while living in smallapartments. As long as they get out to exercise a lot it'sokay. And you can build multi-level cages that make the mostout of a small amount of floor space.
The bestdeterrent is to be out therewith your bunny.

Not in yourcase though, youshould speak with the cat owners and tryto resolve the situation. Or build a catproof shed or fence over thehutches with a cover. Last resort is tohave the SPCA set traps toremove strays that wander into your property.

Pebbles loves to go outside tothe huge back yard, where shecan run and binky in unlimited space,without crashing into any objects (like afence). :D



The other day, I had Pebblesand a friends bunny outside, and theyboth started thumping andacting skittish. Happens that aneighbours cat was prowling aroundand I sawitjump up on our fence. Thatswhen I quickly brought bothbunnies back inside thehouse.Darn Cats. :X

Rainbows! :?
The best cat deterrent that I presently have ismy dog. When she is in the yard, nothing dares cross the fences thatborder my neighbors' backyards. Unfortunately that isn't much of asuggestion for you...the only thing I can offer is a hutch that'scat/squirrel/raccoon/andallotherenemies safe - no chicken wire, as wassuggested, latches that cannot be opened easily, and a solid house partto the hutch where they can retreat and be safe from any predators (italso offers a bit of a reprieve from terror if they are under attack,as rabbits can easily die of fright). And whenever your bunnies areloose in the yard, be out there with them. An accident, an escape, oran attack can happen in a moment's notice...
queenadreena wrote:
Cats hate the smelly of lemony, zesty things.
Think I canrub lemons on my bunny? :biggrin

Rainbows! :humour

The only thing I know is catdon't like sharp pine cones in the flowerbeds.