BENJi and FELIX ...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
I've just realised... the reason why BENJi is starting to act so agressively is becausehe can smell the remnants of Felix ... of his past wees and maybe scentmarks ... (despite being a bit of a cleaning fanatic)... How can I make itok for BenjI? He's only 3 months old so I can't think aboutneutering as yet. (He's very agressive towards all of ushumans at home .. and we have no other pets)
resolve makes a pretty good cleaner specificallyfor pet waste you know if he sprayed anywhere on arug...if that's the case, then no matter how much you scrub the rug,the scent will not come out. normally under carpet there is a paddingand if you are lucky enough to be able to just lift the carpet up, youneed to clean the padding far as other surfaces aslong as they are not porous any good strong household cleaner shouldhave gotten rid of it....the only thing if you use the resolve youmight want to saturate the area with water a few times b/c idont know if rabbits are sensitive to it or not.

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