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:inlove:im sure her manners will improve! tho' i guess she could be marking her territory. you would think that a lady bunny would know chinning is sooo much more civilized:p
What a pretty girl!
She is a cutie and coming out of her shell everyday,esp being with George cos he runs over to me for petting, gona give her a few weeks then will be posting for tips on litter training,i`m taking the cat bed type thingy out as she does rather like peeing in that!
lol,sorry that she keeps pieing on the floor.

She is adorable:inlove:!!!! Is she an american fuzzy lop?
She is a blue mini otter lop !

she is for sale!

£9000000000.000 No offers LOL.

Amnot bothered about the peeing it is getting less i think LOL ,their pen is on towels over wood so easy to clean up but he`s 100% so hopefully his good habit will rub off on her is that possible,that buns learn from one another? :wave:
I love blue mini otter lops!!!Their so cute!!They look like american fuzzy lops
She is adorable! I was going to get a Holland Lop in the spring but I have decided to get a Mini Lop and I just can't wait!! They are so cute!