Bell and her health stats...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Bell is doing great... The only signs that sheever got taken over by a dog is a little shying away when the dog isnear. I would also like to add that we have been in the middle ofbuilding a fence around the bunnies for some time now and I do notwan't to hear anymore about how I should punish, not punish, how I amstupid, how things have gotten out of control! I am tried of it and ifyou dont have anything nice to say to me please do say anything at allor I am skipping over your posts from now on!
Please keep a continued eye on her. Iwould try and give her some NutriCal just to help give her a boostconsidering the stress she was under and still is a little bit. I amglad she is ok.

I'm glad to hear she is doing ok. I wasworried about the stress on her. I second Tina's thought ongiving her some nutrical, just to make sure.

Bunnies can die several days after a dog attack.And it doesn't matter if the dogs hurt her or not. Did you see the vetabout her?
dajeti2 wrote:
Please keep a continued eye on her. I would try andgive her some NutriCal just to help give her a boost considering thestress she was under and still is a little bit. I am glad she isok.

Where can I get nutriCal... I have never had to by some for her or any of my rabbits but I have heard of it!
Bunnies can die several days after a dog attack. And it doesn't matterif the dogs hurt her or not. Did you see the vet about her?

Hey! You don’t need to be saying stuff like "your bunny might die in 3days" what is the point of that? Why can’t you just say "Rabbits can gointo shock after 3 days, so going to the Vets might be a good idea" orsomething like that? Why does it always have to be negative :?

Bunnylover: I am Very glad to hear that the bunny is doing better! AVet check might be a good idea just to make sure that there aren't anyproblems going on that you cant see :D

It wasn't negative. It is a fact that rabbits candie several days after a dog attack happens. I never said anythingabout the rabbit dying within three days.
ayglnu13 wrote:
Hey! You don’t need to be saying stuff like "your bunny might die in 3days" what is the point of that? Why can’t you just say "Rabbits can gointo shock after 3 days, so going to the Vets might be a good idea" orsomething like that? Why does it always have to be negative :?

Seems to me that saying that"your rabbit might die" tends tobe more of a motivator than just "rabbits can go into shock".I don't think Janelle was exaggerating, being excessivelynegative,or trying to make BunnyLover feel bad... she's justconcerened for the rabbit... especially after the same dog thatattacked her had already killed a rabbit previously. :(

JMO, of course.
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Bell is doing great... The only signs that she ever gottaken over by a dog is a little shying away when the dog is near. Iwould also like to add that we have been in the middle of building afence around the bunnies for some time now

Great news. They are sometimes tougher than we give them credit for.Strange how an animal can be strong and fragile at the same time.

I thought I'd thought of everything to protect mine, fence included,but there was still an attack. My 6 yr. old doe got away with no morethan a bloody nose (hit head on the box when running away) and a badscare. Luckily the wire held (barely) and the box was wooden, so thedog got no more than a mouthful of fur.

She now has a high cage with thicker wire and bigger locks....but nothing's fail-safe.:?

Good luck on preventing future situations, and glad to hear she's ok.

Does anyone know what material is best for thearound fence so the bunnies can not get out of it? So for we have theside that was already built, then a side already built covered inchicken wire and we put a gate in to allow ourselves in the square.This is planning on being a 10 X 10 ft. yard. Doing you think that isbig enough?
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Does anyone know what material is best for the around fenceso the bunnies can not get out of it? So for we have the side that wasalready built, then a side already built covered in chicken wire and weput a gate in to allow ourselves in the square. This is planning onbeing a 10 X 10 ft. yard. Doing you think that is big enough?

I used chain link, but small buns can squeeze through. My springupgrades include some reinforcing around the edges with chicken wire.My squirts got sick when a wild rabbit got in andleft somefleas in the run...they carried tapeworms....rrrrgh, what a pain totreat and clean up. Chicken wire should keepwildonesout.

bunnylover78642 wrote:
Does anyone know what material is best for the around fenceso the bunnies can not get out of it? So for we have the side that wasalready built, then a side already built covered in chicken wire
Hardware cloth. Chicken wire is really too flimsy, &the holes are large enough that rabbits have been known to get theirjaw caught while chewing at the walls of their enclosure. :(
So glad to hear that Bell is recovering nicely.That NutriCal is awesome to have on hand and they really seem to likethe taste so giving it isn't a chore. My Petco carries it, most petstores or feed stores should.

Is your enclosure for the rabbits going to be for them to be freerange? If so you might want to consider digging down a bit and buryingsome chicken wire so they can't dig their way out. Diva my bun hasrecently been allowed outside in our dog kennel (it's a perfect setupwhen not in use by the dogs) anyways she has been very busy attemptingto tunnel out. Thankfully it is surrounded by railroad ties and cementso no way to dig out:p. I am sure she will continue to try!

Hope things continue to go well for you and Bell!

Fergi's mom
Alice wrote:
bunnylover78642 wrote:
Doesanyone know what material is best for the around fence so the bunniescan not get out of it? So for we have the side that was already built,then a side already built covered in chicken wire
Hardware cloth. Chicken wire is really too flimsy, &the holes are large enough that rabbits have been known to get theirjaw caught while chewing at the walls of their enclosure. :(
When mine are out, I'm always there. My run isn't covered and we havepredatory I'll keep 'em out of trouble wi' the fence.

Anyway, the chicken wire is to keep wild ones out, so it could go on the outside of the chain link.

BTW, my little Fenny is small enough to squeeze through the links ofthe chain link fence, so if you have a small breed that might not bethe best option.
