belated introduction

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Jan 15, 2007
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Hello to all,

I had originally joined this list to find transport for a bunny that belonged to a pber who passed away. She left three buns, her fellow members of Pet Bunny have absorbed them into their warrens by now. The one I was to receive seemed quite happy with the woman who drove the last leg of the bunderground. Since she has one bunny and I have 5, I feel the new bunny is better off with her.

My 5: Buttons is the oldest at 8.(part Hotot)I got him outside a Target Store when he was the size of my fist. I put him in a 12x12 bird cage when I brought him home. He grew up in the livingroom with barking dogs and prowling cats. Our bun at the time, Hampton, attacked the new bunny. So Buttons is a cabbog, and doesn't like rabbits. that is CAt raBBit dOG.

Gabriel came from death row at the San Gabriel shelter via Alex Logsdon of Zooh Crew(?) Rabbit Rescue. He is just a dear sweet fellow. He is a NZW with some lop mixed in. He has Helicopter ears. I think that was fall of '02.

In the spring I fell for another hard luck story about a Fuzzy lop down in San Clemente who had been passed around from family to family and was living in an outside cage and escaping frequently. It was only a matter of time until she was caught by a dog. Tho she runs faster than I can. Quite a personality on this one. She is bonded with Gabriel and totally runs the show despite the fact that he is nearly 3 times her size.

Fric and Frac are fosters. My neighbor called one night this past Octto report that small bunnies were loose in the park and surely would be eaten etc. They were garage buns for a while but now live in the dining room. Beautiful Hotots. Not very people friendly, never seen a rabbit jump as high as these two can.

So that is my story. I have had atleast one rabbit in the house since '85. In addition to my rabbits I have a dog, two cats and a husband to care for. I spend as much time as I can in the garden, both because I love flowers and because everyone leaves me alone out there.

Let me apologize if there are two of these. I think the first one is gone forever, but I am not certain. I look forward to getting to know the others on the list.

Wow, what a story! Bless you for being so kindhearted and helping all those rabbits. The world needs to have more people like you in it. Welcome to the forum and make yourself right at home!
:bunnydance:HEY! It's me Alicia! Nice to see you here!

Alicia, the wabbits Ringo,Connor,Samantha,Elvis<WBR>,Dallas and Teresa, foster bun SweetPea. Also the rest of the Zoo Crew!
I love Fric and Frac. They are so cute.

Welcome to the forum!! We&#39;re happy to have you!!

We always love to see new members that are so kind and generous in taking on animals that need love and care. I love that you&#39;ve rescued so many animals...that&#39;s so wonderful! :)

As far as posting pictures to the site, you can just go to, upload the picture, then cut & paste the code directly into your post. :)

Anyway, I look forward to hearing all about your bunnies and your other fur- and feather babies as well!

