hi everybody! i'm new to here, but not new torabbits. i had outside rabbits from about age 5 to 10, and i got myfirst house rabbit when i was 19.
this one, however, is proving to be a chore.
some nights she's quiet as a churchmouse, normally she'll dig a littleat around 6am, but a couple squirts from the water bottle and she'lltake a break till i get up for work. (around 7 or 7:30am)
sometimes, like last night, she'll start at around 1am, and no amountof "Mahle no!" or squirting will stave her off for more than a fewminutes. i think last night she took a break for an hour or so tosleep, but aside from that i didnt get any!
most of my buns, aside from litter training, i've just kinda let dotheir thing, but i would like to get into some training and i figurethis is as good a place to start as any.this one isn't fixedyet, so i cant REALLY concentrate on litter training at the moment,since she likes to mark territory when she's out. (because of this sheis caged while unsupervised. no worried, once i get her fixed andtrained the cage will be open most of the time.) but she's really,really sweet, and although she despises being picked up she LOVESattention and will squish for petting whenever approached.
yeah, i apologize, this post is kinda meandering, much like mybrainwaves at the moment. the point is I NEED SLEEP and i dont knowwhat to do...any thoughts are welcome.
this one, however, is proving to be a chore.
some nights she's quiet as a churchmouse, normally she'll dig a littleat around 6am, but a couple squirts from the water bottle and she'lltake a break till i get up for work. (around 7 or 7:30am)
sometimes, like last night, she'll start at around 1am, and no amountof "Mahle no!" or squirting will stave her off for more than a fewminutes. i think last night she took a break for an hour or so tosleep, but aside from that i didnt get any!
most of my buns, aside from litter training, i've just kinda let dotheir thing, but i would like to get into some training and i figurethis is as good a place to start as any.this one isn't fixedyet, so i cant REALLY concentrate on litter training at the moment,since she likes to mark territory when she's out. (because of this sheis caged while unsupervised. no worried, once i get her fixed andtrained the cage will be open most of the time.) but she's really,really sweet, and although she despises being picked up she LOVESattention and will squish for petting whenever approached.
yeah, i apologize, this post is kinda meandering, much like mybrainwaves at the moment. the point is I NEED SLEEP and i dont knowwhat to do...any thoughts are welcome.