Behavior Change - Why?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
Daisy often "freezes" while in her cage butnever when i let her out. Seems like it would be the reverse &that she would freeze in the big unfamiliar space, if anywhere, butshe's totally relaxed there. Explanation?
"Freezes" are quite common with allbunnies. They have that "prey" factor that comes into playeven in the most safe environments. Is there a noise orsomething that is catching her attention where she freezes?Try this: shut off all distractions in the house, lay down onthe floorandwatch her. I pretend to be abunny a lot, even to the point where I "freeze". It's a neatexperience.
I do the same thing since MeatHead is onlyallowed in our bedroom. There are guinea pigs in there and they makealot of noises when they see me. so seeing me MeatHead freezes so I laydown and tell him it is ok nothing to worry about. He goes on and playsnow and he pretty much are used to it.
I can't see why she would freeze in the cage butnot in the play room. Nothing in the living room (where the cage is)that i can think of to cause it. BTW she is the first bun i ever hadthat froze, except Bear, & he only froze OUTSIDE the cage.
Do what I suggested and get down at his level. It's amazing what you'll see. ;)
Bunman wrote:
Ican't see why she would freeze in the cage but not in the play room.Nothing in the living room (where the cage is) that i can think of tocause it. BTW she is the first bun i ever had that froze, except Bear,& he only froze OUTSIDE the cage.
its a simple explanation , in the cagethere is nowhere to run , nowhere to hide freezingis her way of hiding just as shewould in the wild , while out and roamingfree she doesnt need to freeze if shehas somewhere to hide when somethingscares her .
gypsy wrote:
itsa simple explanation , in the cage there is nowhereto run , nowhere to hide freezing is herway of hiding just as she wouldin the wild , while out and roaming freeshe doesnt need to freeze if she hassomewhere to hide when something scares her.
Wow. Never thought of that. Very good. :D
Makes sense. altho Bear used to freeze in theopen. The differences may lie in individual past experiences of therabbits, along with genetics.
You may be rightabout past experiences , I know they can and willmake some rabbits act funny ,do strange things etc . I think I wouldrather have her freeze up in the cage as apposed tooutside the cage where dangers could be more fatal.

I do have an oddish question ,when does she actually freeze ?is it when you open the door , whenyou walk by her cage ? How longhave you had her , and aboutwhat age is she . It could be afoot problem , she may be afraid of the sound of shoes, or feet going by her cage. or she couldbe afraid of an eventualy kick to thecage . If you dont know much about herpast it can be a guessing game until youfigure out what is triggering it .

I would take particular notice of that is happeningwhen she freezes up . write itdown and eventually you can getto the bottom of her anxiety .
Thanks. There is no particular logic to her freezing as far as i can see. She may do it
when Flops is stomping around in her cage, or a shadow scares her, orshe may do it for no apparent reason. I always pet her if it happenswhen i'm nearby.

Possibly she can hear dogs barking further away than i can?My first rabbit could detect an approaching helicopter long before icould hear it, & would freeze. I know hearing is very importantto a rabbit's self-preservation arsenal.

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