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Mar 2, 2010
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Moncton New Brunswick, , Canada
Just wondering what others are using for bedding? I have been using shavings (not pine or cedar)but am thinking of changing to straw. It is costs alot less, $20 for a bag of shavings/$2.50 for a bale of straw from a farmer.It works great for my poultry. Would like some other idea's of what could be used aswell for my rabbits:)
Are your rabbits inside or outside? For inside rabbits, I reecommend using towels or fleece blankets. No other bedding is really necessary, and blankets are washable and better for the environment and your wallet. Plus, putting bedding only in the litter box is much better for litter training.

For outside, I really don't have any experience, but I imagine straw would work well and be pretty cheap.
Straw is awesome for outside hutches in the cold. It has very good insulating properties because the shafts are hollow and trap air very well. Stuff the sleeping compartment with hay when the weather is cooler to make a nice insulated sleeping hide away.

For the warmer weather, I would use less straw and put it on the floor only.

Inside, I agree with blankies. You can pick up cheap fleece baby blankets at dollar stores or just pieces of fleece from the fabric store. Then, just swap them out when they get dirty and throw them in the laundry when you have enough dirty ones for a load.

Are your bunnies litter trained?

I use a combo. In the main part of the cage (the open part) I use towel on the bottom, then fleece on the top. THen inside i use towel on the bottom and straw on the top. I recently just switched to fleece and when I went outside and saw three of them flopped out sleeping on the fleece I knew that was the best thing ever! I never had seen them sleeping!

Here are three of mine snuggled up on the fleece!
The Guinea pigs surrounded Daphne and just flopped on either side whilst she was trying to eat. She always looks so forlorn!
Hoping I can get this thread going again. I was wondering what to use for my rabbits nesting box. I just ordered a hutch and she will be indoors. I use towels/fleece when I put her in her playpen and she always chews them.

Not sure if she's eating them or not. I watch her and she looks like she's eating it but I can't be sure...haven't found any big holes yet lol. Anyway, I fear compaction if she does eat it.

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