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Active Member
Aug 30, 2009
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New Bern, North Carolina, USA
I have a big problem, I decided to change Mason's litter from Aspen shavings to Carefresh because my vet recommended it for his blistery heels but he is eating it!!! I tried to say no and spank him but he would stomp at me and then do it again! So my friend was saying to spray vinegar on the bedding to stop him from eating it so I did...but I didn't think to ask is it harmful to him?? Help what do I do!?
I don't know how you could keep him from eating the bedding if he really wants to. Maybe use plastic grid (used for needlepoint)over top of the carefresh? Or you could try putting some hay over top of the carefresh.

I think it would worry me too much and I would switch back to what I was using before but that's just me.
I personally would switch...

Have you tried that new eco litter from oxbox I think it is? and I saw another recycled news litter in Pet Smart today....I use Yesterdays News and have been rather happy with how well it works, keeps the smells at bay as long as you don't let it go too long with out changing it...

Good luck!
I also use Yesterday's News and love it. I tried Carefresh and my bunny's didn't like it. They would push it all out of the litter box. I think Maria's idea of using a plastic grid or hay ontop of the litter would be a good solution. I think you may even be able to buy litter boxes with the grid. I know Pet People by me sells them.
Thanks for the advice, I haven't seen him eat anymore of it since early lastnight. My vet told me to use it cause his heels have blisters i guess from the aspen being to rough.
Is your bunny a mini rex? I have two mini's and they both get little bald spots on the back legs. My cages are smooth plastic bottom with litter box so it's not from wire cages or dirty cages. I think they are just more sensitive. I put wrag rugs in both of their cages and I find it helps some what. Given the choice they both like to lay on their rugs rather than the bare floor/cage bottom.
Well when I brought Mason to the vet about a week ago I got her to look at the blisters and she said it is from him having to hard or surfaces to hop on. I told her I was using Aspen bedding and she said use Carefresh it is softer and better health wise than the Aspen. He isn't eating the bedding anymore and is trating it as litter so I think he was just trying to get use to it. I asked her about carpet and she said never put carpet in the bunny cage cause the fibers aren't good for their digestive system she said huge NO NO so that's why I choose Carefresh.
We use kiln dried pine in the hutches were they can't get to it. The litter pans on the floor are full of shredded newspaper--the ink is vegetable and the can chew and play with the paper to their hearts content--since I already get the paper everyday, it's an inexpensive filler that I would be throwing away anyway and they have a great time playing with it also.

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