Well-Known Member
OK, I have 2 bunnies that are about 2.5 monthsold...trying to litter train, so far not much success. I'vebeen told to step back. let them choose the corner then go from thereand start putting the litter in there.
Main ? is...I've read that alot of folks here don't even use bedding...
Here is a pic of the cage I have...the bottom is plastic and they'vechosen a corner they like so far (only been in there a week)....
Should I completely remove the bedding from the bottom and just usethat (aspen) in the litter box instead of regular litter?Maybe I'm thinking this whole thing wrong!!!
They seem to clear it out of one end anyway! (opposite end from which they do their business....)
Thanks for any insight!
Main ? is...I've read that alot of folks here don't even use bedding...
Here is a pic of the cage I have...the bottom is plastic and they'vechosen a corner they like so far (only been in there a week)....
Should I completely remove the bedding from the bottom and just usethat (aspen) in the litter box instead of regular litter?Maybe I'm thinking this whole thing wrong!!!
They seem to clear it out of one end anyway! (opposite end from which they do their business....)
Thanks for any insight!