Bedding...or not...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
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Corky's Cave, , USA
OK, I have 2 bunnies that are about 2.5 monthsold...trying to litter train, so far not much success. I'vebeen told to step back. let them choose the corner then go from thereand start putting the litter in there.

Main ? is...I've read that alot of folks here don't even use bedding...

Here is a pic of the cage I have...the bottom is plastic and they'vechosen a corner they like so far (only been in there a week)....

Should I completely remove the bedding from the bottom and just usethat (aspen) in the litter box instead of regular litter?Maybe I'm thinking this whole thing wrong!!!

They seem to clear it out of one end anyway! (opposite end from which they do their business....)

Thanks for any insight!

Hello, I use a mixture of Carefresh, Hay, andPine shavings. I would, for right now, leave the litter on the bottomof the cage, because if they miss and pee on the plastic and then sitin it, then it may get all over you or irritate their feet. I would putboth litter on the floor and litter in the litter box. All of myrabbits move their litter around their cages, not sure why they do it,they just do. Once they are totally using the litter box (with hardlyany accidents) you can remove the litter from the floor. My Flemishdoesn’t have any litter on the ground, just his litter box. Youprobably won’t be able to remove the litter from the bottom of the cagefor a while because they are so young and will probably miss a lot. Ifya have any more questions feel free to ask! :D

Yea, I suggest getting rid of thebedding....couldn't rabbit, Cosmo used to just push thebedding out of the way and then lie now I just use big sheetsof recycled paper ...

Oh, and instead of Aspen for litter, you should use WoodyPet!! A lot of the members of this forum love the product...Ijust started using it, it's great.


EDIT: I guess I forgot to mention that I only stopped usingbedding once Cosmo was completely litter, until then,using bedding might be a good idea...
OK, thanks for the guys were REALLY confusing me...

Next ?...I have a HUGE thing of aspen, so I won't be changing toanything else til its gone...what should I use in the litter box,actual liter? Or same thing...(aspen)...a bunny I had years ago I usedkitty litter and it worked fine......but I've since read conflictingthings on that.....

Help? (I seem to be getting more confused by the litter training thing..the one I had years ago was very easy to train!)

Doesn't look like I can get WoodyPet anywhere around here from the store logos they show! :(
I would use the Aspen, I tried using kitty litterand all my rabbits did was dig it up and throw it out the cage. Also ifthe inhale kitty litter it could cause respiratory problems in thefuture. I use pine shavings for their litter boxes.

Sorry if I confused you :D

Pebbles was just spayed when I brought herhome, so she only took 5 days to litter train. Ikept her in a small area so her litter box occupied most of thespace. I even blocked her cage in half so it felt like a jailcell with litter box taking up most of the cage. I gave herlots of praise and treats whenever she used it. Any poopsoutside was picked up and put in the box. Shelearned very fast.

I used all sorts of litter and I ended up with Woody Pet. It is certainly worth your while if you can get it.

Rainbows! :)
OHH...a hopeful breakthru!! They werein their new playpen tonite for almost 2 hours...put just the litterboxwith bedding in it and they used it 2x to pee in!! Pooped all overelsewhere, but I can live with that for now! w00h00!!

THanks for the tip....I'm very excited!! Put the cornerlitter box in their favorite corner tonite with bedding...will see whathappnes!!!!
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Doesn't look like I can get WoodyPet anywhere around herefrom the store logos they show! :(
Most Tractor Supply Co. carry it.

I buy mine at an Agway.

We have a member who is a company rep for Woody Pet and he has assisted several members. His info follows.....


If anyone in this fine rabbit forum has any questionsregarding Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding, please email me director call the Woody Pet toll free number. We will be more than happy toanswer any questions or direct you to a Woody Pet Bedding outlet.(hopefully in your area)[email protected]

888-535-9816 toll free

Dave Jr.

Woody Pet Products Inc

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
OK, I have 2 bunnies that are about 2.5 months old...tryingto litter train, so far not much success. I've been told tostep back. let them choose the corner then go from there and startputting the litter in there.

Main ? is...I've read that alot of folks here don't even use bedding...

Thanks for any insight!
I dont use bedding coz when I did my bun decided to use that ashis litter tray instead:Xand he didnt even sleep onit.I have a cage a bit like the one pictured,