I was told by a breeder a few years ago thatpine was less harmful than cedar and one of the most effective beddings(as far as odor and absorbtion go). I used Carefresh beddingfor a while, but it smelled so bad after just a day that I had to stopand switched back to pine. Now I'm being told that pine isn'tgood, although I used pine with my Californian for seven years and shehad no sign of illness. I was wondering if there is a saferalternative that is not so expensive and doesn't require changing thelitter pan everyday, as Carefresh did. I clean my rabbitscages out every 2-3 days, so I want something that'll last at leastthat long, and that is safe for them to gnaw on, also, as my Rex eatseverything in sight. I've considered using corn cob as abedding with newpaper underneath, but is it safe for them todigest? My bird chews on it all the time but I don't think heactually swallows it, as my bunny would probably do. Any help?