Bedding for Rabbits

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Aug 14, 2005
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Traverse City, Michigan, USA
I was told by a breeder a few years ago thatpine was less harmful than cedar and one of the most effective beddings(as far as odor and absorbtion go). I used Carefresh beddingfor a while, but it smelled so bad after just a day that I had to stopand switched back to pine. Now I'm being told that pine isn'tgood, although I used pine with my Californian for seven years and shehad no sign of illness. I was wondering if there is a saferalternative that is not so expensive and doesn't require changing thelitter pan everyday, as Carefresh did. I clean my rabbitscages out every 2-3 days, so I want something that'll last at leastthat long, and that is safe for them to gnaw on, also, as my Rex eatseverything in sight. I've considered using corn cob as abedding with newpaper underneath, but is it safe for them todigest? My bird chews on it all the time but I don't think heactually swallows it, as my bunny would probably do. Any help?
Your Carefresh smells? Mine doesn'tuntil I clean it out after leaving it for longer than usual.And I have two rabbits with one litterbox.

Try finding Woody Pet. It's compressed wood pellets that arehighly absorbant and super cheap. It would be at a farmsupply or horse supply store. I swear half this forum is onthe company payroll, they like it so much.:p I have yet tofind it around here, but I'm fine with the Carefresh.

As for the corn cob litter, it's very hard and uncomfortable.I'm not sure whether it's safe to nibble or not, but I wouldn't want tobe standing on that all day.

Edit: Beaten to the punch on the Woody Pet!
If the rabbit is litter trained, I'm not surehow necessary bedding is. Mostly it just makes more of a mess and takesmore time to clean. As long as they're not peeing outside the litterbox you don't really need anything.
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Can rabbits have woody pet as their bedding or is it just a litter?
I works best as a litter.

Idon't use bedding because my cages have wire bottoms.Iuse timothy hay in the buns sleepie boxes. Straw would workas well.

The original use was for horse stalls. In that senario the Woody Petwould be wet down first to make it into a sawdust consistancy.


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