Beau has a bad sore hock

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Nov 30, 2005
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Last night I was giving Beau some meds and he was getting hard to hold so I placed him in the bathroom pedestal sink soI wouldn't drop him . He started scrabbling around trying to get out flaying his legs and all at once the sink was full of blood. At firstI thought it was a nail but it turned out to be a blister on his left hock that burst. he had a sore hock and i didn't even know it.

So this is what I did

Beau is a little rabbit; just about 3lbs so he has a little back leg. I thought and thought whatI could do to cover that

I ended up cutting off the finger of a stretchy glove of mine. I bathed his foot with betadine wash and then applied neosporin and bag balm then I slipped the finger of my glove over the joint. ; it fit perfectly .
i will take it off each day , treat the sore and apply a clean finger.
this is a test
If it works it is a good idea for a bunny with almost no teeth because he will have some trouble chewing it off because he cannot chew.

we'll see....
Hmmm. I'm not sure a rubber glove is the best way to keep it covered, as that can't breathe at all. I guess if you could keep it 100% clean in there, it would be fine, but I would worry about an environment that has no oxygen promoting the growth of anaerobic bacteria, and limiting the tissue's ability to heal. I could be wrong, of course, but I thought bandaids and other bandages were breathe-able in order to allow the wound to get some oxygen? What about wrapping it up with gazue and vet wrap, or just gauze and medical tape? You can get vet wrap for horses at the pet stores here, if that helps.

I could of course be wrong--the idea of making a little bootie out of a rubber glove finger is really smart, but I just worry about the whole foot being in there and the potential for anerobes to get going.