Be a Bunny's Honey

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
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Charlie's Avenue, , USA
Hi guys i found this thing in my Cosmo Girl Magazine and i thougt i'd share:)

" Be a Bunny's Honey, Buy cruelty-free"

"Save a bunny's cute cotton tail by buying lip gloss, showergel,toothpaste and other products from companies that have banned animaltests for ever. More than 500 companies like Bonne Bell,Hello Kitty cosmetics, mark, revlon and urban decay cosmetics, conductsafety using everything from computers to simulated human skin-but noanimals"

"Visit for moreinformation and to enter the Be a Bunny's Honey-buy cruelty freecontest and a chance to win an iPod shuffle. Ten runners up willreceive cruelty free products from Uraban Decay Cosmetics and PetaT-shirts . Everyone who enters will receive a cruelty freeprocket shopping guide and free stickers"
Great post! I always buy Bonnie Bell and Revlon. :D Thanks for sharing!
For those of you visiting the website, I highlysuggest not watching any of the videos. There are heartbreakingfootages of abused and tortured animals.

I'm not a vegan nor vegetarian, but I do not wear fur. If you arecurious of the videos, view at your own risk. Not only do the videosprovide graphic images, but also information on why certain things aredone and who's to blame. For all you know, your favorite brand ofclothing might be made of animal cruelty, for example Wet Seal.
Please "DO NOT" support any PETA related promotions!

They use emotionally charged propaganda and criminal activities toinstill fear and to terrorize people. It isn't about theethical treatment of animals -- it's about their zealous quest toremove animals from our lives.Theystrivetakeawayour rights to make our ownchoices about what we eat, what we wear, where we work, how we supportour families, and how we live.

Animal rights activist zealots are the top domestic terrorist threatin the United States according to the FBI, and thePETApropaganda is not welcome on this forum.

[align=center]by John Hawkins[/align]
The animal rights movement portrays itself simply as a group of peoplewho are concerned with the mistreatment of animals. That's an easyposition to sell in America where a large portion of population haspets. However, there is an undercurrent of violence, extremistpositions, and even anti-human views that runs through the animalrights movement. People who are giving their money to these groups needto understand that it may be used for a lot more than simply protecting"fuzzy bunnies" and "puppies." Read these quotes and you'll learn alittle more about the animal rights movement than what some of thesegroups tell you in their commercials.....
More on PETA and their support of terrorist activities . . .

[*]It donated $70,200 to the defense of Rodney Coronado, an ALF memberconvicted of a fire-bombing at Michigan State University. He pleadedguilty to similar crimes at Oregon and Washington State universities.
As far as I amcomcerned Ya'll can take Peta and flushit because thats all it is , a floating log, If you want to be associatedwith such people and aactivities PLEASE keep it to your self.
wow i did not know that, i just thought theyfought for animal rights, i didn't even really look at the site beforei posted. sorry to upset anyone. I just saw the bunny on the cover andthought it would be good to share. Sorry again.
That's okay, Juicyjuicee, a lot of people fallfor PETA's innocent act. I do like the list of cruelty freeproducts, as I think cosmetics and such don't need testing unless thereis a chemical being used for the first time ever. However,PETA has done some really dumb stuff. So much dumb stuff thatit makes animal lovers look bad. Anyone who can defend theAnimal Liberation Front, which is an animal rights terroristorganization, is IMHO guilty of terrorism too.
I support animal "welfare" and the humane treatment of animals.

I do not support animal "rights" at the expense of human rights.

No need to feel bad for posting juicyjuicee -- it's a good learning experience.

Pam :)
Hey JJ !!

Don't worry too much, I feel for the trick PETA plays.

I posted something a while back and had the same reaction.But after reading some on these people, I can understand why they areso hated.

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