Luv them rabbits
New Member
8 year old rabbit 4 .2 lbs
Hes moulting
Normally eats green leaf lettuce and cilantro little bit of oxbow timothy pellets little bit o hay hes never been a big eater.
Has a lump in mouth thats not infected and its not an absess but Doc thinks its the tooth that was extracted 4 years ago trying to grow back. It has some fluid.
Now hes not eating anything except some dried apples and of course the critical care. Hes just not interested :tears2:
Hes been sleeping but will hop around if I persuade him
My rabbit Buffett Hes 8 this week (May 1st) has been through so much these weeks. He had an ear infection the vet gave him rabbit approved antibiotics orally and batril in ear. Well he develop mucous enteritis his poops were completely jelly. We got past that thank goodness but he had to go and get his teeth (burred?) grinded I forget what its called. But now with all the stress and the dental with anathesia (sp?) I think has gi stasis. Hes on simethicone 1ml reglan 1 ml twice a day, critical care 2 12ml syringes (most of it) 4 times a day we finally got poops but very small and hard. I also rubbed his belly today and he loved it fell asleep LOL and he passed some gas.. But my question is because I'm such a nervous nelly is hes not drinking any fluid that I have seen I have syringed a little into him I told the doc this he said that hes getting enough through the critical care. I did the skin test and it was quick to return. Should I take him into the vet office tomorrow and have them give him some sub q fluids I think it couldn't hurt the last time he had it was Thursday what do you think I dont want to unnecessarily stress him out and is small poops a good sign. THanks He has a girl friend named Kyrie whose loving him and cuddling up to him. YAY :bunny17:
Hes moulting
Normally eats green leaf lettuce and cilantro little bit of oxbow timothy pellets little bit o hay hes never been a big eater.
Has a lump in mouth thats not infected and its not an absess but Doc thinks its the tooth that was extracted 4 years ago trying to grow back. It has some fluid.
Now hes not eating anything except some dried apples and of course the critical care. Hes just not interested :tears2:
Hes been sleeping but will hop around if I persuade him
My rabbit Buffett Hes 8 this week (May 1st) has been through so much these weeks. He had an ear infection the vet gave him rabbit approved antibiotics orally and batril in ear. Well he develop mucous enteritis his poops were completely jelly. We got past that thank goodness but he had to go and get his teeth (burred?) grinded I forget what its called. But now with all the stress and the dental with anathesia (sp?) I think has gi stasis. Hes on simethicone 1ml reglan 1 ml twice a day, critical care 2 12ml syringes (most of it) 4 times a day we finally got poops but very small and hard. I also rubbed his belly today and he loved it fell asleep LOL and he passed some gas.. But my question is because I'm such a nervous nelly is hes not drinking any fluid that I have seen I have syringed a little into him I told the doc this he said that hes getting enough through the critical care. I did the skin test and it was quick to return. Should I take him into the vet office tomorrow and have them give him some sub q fluids I think it couldn't hurt the last time he had it was Thursday what do you think I dont want to unnecessarily stress him out and is small poops a good sign. THanks He has a girl friend named Kyrie whose loving him and cuddling up to him. YAY :bunny17: