Barnaby's Blog

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
This is going to be Barnaby's new blog, following my old blog:

Here is Zeus' memorial post:

I'll always love my little Zeus. He was my first house bunny and the one that started my passion for rabbits. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even have Barnaby.

Actually I feel a little guilty, because I don't know if I ever really took the time to form a relationship with Barns the way I did with Zeus. I got Barnaby just because I wanted Zeus to have a friend. Barnaby was shy and nervous around humans, but he had Zeus so he didn't need a close relationship with me. And I had Zeus, so I didn't mind so much not being close to Barnaby. But now Zeus is gone, and Barnaby and I are left with only each other.

I've had Barnaby for a year (a year exact as of today!), and I still feel like I don't really have much of a relationship with him. Hopefully Barnaby and I can streghten our bond to each other. And this will be his new blog, where I can tell of our adventures! :)
Look forward to hearing about them! Good luck with becoming closer to Barnaby! It took quite a while for my Max to warm up to people and blossom into the snuggley punkster bun he is today. Hang in there :).

I had Barnaby out awhile ago and took some pics. He's so cute...that lobster is his new favorite toy. It's a dog toy that Chris and I got him the day Zeus died. He's been carrying it around with him everywhere since then, even though it's almost as big as he is.




