Barn Flooring for Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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We are going to build a barn :). Part of it will be reserved for our two adult neutered male Dutch bunnies. They will have an indoor area and a coop for going outside during the day. At night they will be locked inside.

Question 1: What is the best indoor flooring that is easy to clean out and also drains urine? I was thinking of a thick layer of gravel or will they dig through that?
Of course they will always have a good layer of straw.

Question 2: Can rabbits safely be housed with chickens? Would like to hear members' experiences. If yes, should I start with baby chicks or adult chickens?

Is the current area going to be dirt? Or will you put cement down? If it's dirt, I'd go with rubber mats (sold for horse stalls), and then put shavings on top of that. It won't drain urine, but they also won't be able to dig out).

I wouldn't put rabbits directly in with chickens. Chickens carry lice, and I wouldn't want them mingling together. Plus the different dietary needs, drinking methods, etc., wouldn't be very compatible.
Not just lice with chickens but you can't allow your chickens to poop in any water bowls or food bowls of rabbits.

Most farmers who do combine rabbits and chickens (which are good keeping bugs and ticksat bay) will not allow their chickens on top of bunny crates. They are allowed under them.

What I would do is talk to those who raise chickens and rabbits together. A lot of people do. I know my breeder has her's right next to her rabbits but they do not interact. They are both in separate pens.

I don't have chickens but I think there are many who raise them both successfully. Maybe going to a forum that talks about raising chickens with a backyard theme could help you get the answers you are seeking.

Wish I could be of more help. I don't live in an area that allows it. If I did, I'd already be set up with what you are looking to do. And could truly help you more.


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