banana peels

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Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
, , South Korea
When my Dutch angora was about 8 months old, it dragged a banana peel out of the garbage.

The next time I looked, the banana peel was gone.

So I figured that she liked banana peels.

I gave her banana peels regularly, and she relished them.

I tried giving her whole bananas, but she only ate the peels.

But more recently, she lets them spoil.

Has anyone else noticed that rabbits of a certain age like banana peels?

If you will, could you please offer a banana peel to your rabbit and report back.

tomato wrote:
When my Dutch angora was about 8 months old, it dragged abanana peel out of the garbage.

The next time I looked, the banana peel was gone.

So I figured that she liked banana peels.

I gave her banana peels regularly, and she relished them.

I tried giving her whole bananas, but she only ate the peels.

But more recently, she lets them spoil.

Has anyone else noticed that rabbits of a certain age like banana peels?

If you will, could you please offer a banana peel to your rabbit and report back.
A friend of mine gives her buns whole bananas and they goNUTS!! Peel and all. I tried to give my buns aslice of nana still in the peel and they just gave me a dirty look:X(like that)
most likely anangora /dutch cross Megan , but i bet sheis pretty .

i havent heard of givingrabbits banana peels I willreserve comment till Pamgives the Nay or Yea .
Apollo used to eat sliced nanas peel andall. I gave him some nana without the peel and no refuses to even touchit if it has the peel. I think that it's like everything, in a smallamount it doesn't hurt.

My breeder gave her buns bananas andpeels for treats.....not often ... but frequently enough that she toldme about it.

Tio LOVES the peels as does Kyo. I have to be careful becausethey'll drag the peel out of the trash if they can.

Tiny will eat the peel - but only after he's attacked me to get the banana inside it.

And let me tell you - a willful 8 or 9 pound bunny with big browneyes.....gets his way more often than not. However, I'mtrying to learn restraint so he'll be healthy in the longrun. But it is hard.

Meganc wanted to see what a Dutch angora looks like:


I myself would think a whole banana would be too much for a bunny. I could be wrong though.


I don't remember the size of your bunny - but a whole banana is WAY toomuch. I have a flemish giant who is 9 pounds and between allhis treats he used to eat about a banana a day (it is on another threadsomewhere) and others told me he needs to cut way back on that due tosugar overload. It would be like letting a little kid eat awhole package of minature chocolate bars (or something like that) inone sitting!

I think the recommended amount I've read (which I do for my NetherlandDwarfs) is one slice of banana....not too big. I do let themeat some banana peel too - Kyo loves the peels...Tio likes them alittle bit. Kyo likes old banana peels and has been known topull them out of the trash.

I'd "share" the banana with your bunny - one or two little slices for him - the rest for you!

Ah, ok then, I feed each ofmy bunnies1/4 ofa bananna, Mia doesnt really like the bananna but lovesthe peels, while Neo on the other hand loves bananas, and thepeel!:p
tomato wrote:
Meganc wanted to see what a Dutch angora looks like:
Sorry for responding so late, I've been away and wanted to see what Ihad missed. Thanks for posting the picture. It's hard to see, is thehair real long like a regular Angora?

My 2 housebuns love nana, but do a funny thingto eat it, they sort of curl their lips and nose up so only their teethtouch the nana - I guess thay don't like 'nana lips'!!


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