Well-Known Member
It has been aWONDERFUL morning in Massachusetts. No powerthis morning, lovely ice storm brewing outside... We hand bailed oursump pump just to be safe it didn't over flow with no power.THe plumber is coming today, and I planned to clean boxes, i figuredsince i was already up before daylight I'd wait till it was lightenought to see and do bunny boxes..Power comes on.. ?I start my bunnyboxes.. all is going well, I'm doing my last box which Happens tobelong to Gabs and her 2 girls, She decides to goinvestigating...Balooga flipped out raced into his cabin andgot stuck, he screamed and i shooed gabs back to her cage,opened Baloos door he flew into my arms breathing heavy, i set him downto be sure he can hop and he raced out of the room, back into the roomwhere i picked him up and held him again.... I then put him back in hishouse so I can watch him, where he flopped as a worn out bunnyshould. So least I don't feel he has broken anything but timewill tell if he brused himself... I had legs of jello.... I didn't seeif it was a leg that got caught or what But I promptly removed his logcabin... I will be cutting a much larger hole in it beforeletting him have it back... talk about giving mummy a heart heart is still racing.... i had to share though thought i was gonnacollaps right then and there,.... I do hope he will be perfectly fineand he has just scared himself silly.. if he acts funny at all later Iwill pop by work and snap off some X-rays... Balooga with Hubbybelow