balooga Scare

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Savageville, Massachusetts, USA
It has been aWONDERFUL morning in Massachusetts. No powerthis morning, lovely ice storm brewing outside... We hand bailed oursump pump just to be safe it didn't over flow with no power.THe plumber is coming today, and I planned to clean boxes, i figuredsince i was already up before daylight I'd wait till it was lightenought to see and do bunny boxes..Power comes on.. ?I start my bunnyboxes.. all is going well, I'm doing my last box which Happens tobelong to Gabs and her 2 girls, She decides to goinvestigating...Balooga flipped out raced into his cabin andgot stuck, he screamed and i shooed gabs back to her cage,opened Baloos door he flew into my arms breathing heavy, i set him downto be sure he can hop and he raced out of the room, back into the roomwhere i picked him up and held him again.... I then put him back in hishouse so I can watch him, where he flopped as a worn out bunnyshould. So least I don't feel he has broken anything but timewill tell if he brused himself... I had legs of jello.... I didn't seeif it was a leg that got caught or what But I promptly removed his logcabin... I will be cutting a much larger hole in it beforeletting him have it back... talk about giving mummy a heart heart is still racing.... i had to share though thought i was gonnacollaps right then and there,.... I do hope he will be perfectly fineand he has just scared himself silly.. if he acts funny at all later Iwill pop by work and snap off some X-rays... Balooga with Hubbybelow

OH NO! What a day you have had already! Give him kisses from me! I hope he's ok.

(he's adorable!!!!) I love his color! :)
He's beautiful, Gabby. My heart wouldbe in my throat as well. Not the way you want to start aday. Glad to hear he's hopping around and seems to beokay.

Take 5 and enjoy a much slower morning. :)

Ah, yes, you got the ice storm too, huh? With thebeautifully slick roads and loss of power? Don't you just love NewEngland? ;) Can you believe they didn't cancel my classes last night? Ihad to drive in that! :X

Poor Balooga, that would have freaked me out too! Give him loads ofkisses from all of us. When my kitten took a nice six foot fall fromthe top of my closet, and landed on her chest on a tile floor :((nothing broken), a vet recommended Arnica homeopathic remedy, for anybumps and bruises. It works wonderfully! (and it's great for clumsylittle kids too :D )

I looked it up, and apparently it's safe for rabbits.

The other useful remedy is homeopathic and is known as Arnica,the potency can be 30 C or 6 C for first aid use. It is used forbruises and trauma to the body and helps healing after any kind ofsurgery or accident. It is available in pellets that can be dissolvedin water and given by mouth.

Bo B Bunny

THank you, so far so good. *paws crossed*

morning went ok tis not after 1pm had to wait befoe i could ay morningwas ok, lumber was just here, he's gone to lunch will be bck to installthe sink, he installed the new toilet already, looks so much betteralready and now i'm eating lunch, with a wonderful cup of cinnamonapple spice tea..ahhhhhh


Yes that lovely weather.. but honestly, i'd rather have itthan the tropical storms and tornados and earthquakes. i know we gettornados sometimes and hurrcanes at times but no where near as often asother parts of the country.

the lil devil is acting pretty much normal, a little morecautious but pretty much normal, i saw him actually thinking before hedid something this aftrnoon, normally he runs head first into his plansLOL. one the Dr at work is into herbal stuff and supplements, she alsodoes accupuncture. One that makes me laugh thoughabout people requestion "all natural, homepathic" medsis it doesn't mean it's safer, some extreamly deadly poisonsare all natural. thats not to say i don't believe in herbalthings, I think they work too, i just wish more people realized thatthey can be just as harmful and deadly as those "awefulunnatural dangerous drugs" i choose that wording because we had aclient use those words.i was reading thepage of the link that got me onto this LOL running on lack ofslep too, had crawled backinto bed, but then the plumber arrivedso up again i am..

Aww.. he looks just like my Lorraine <3

I know how you are feeling. Yesterday we lost power for awhile, and afew hours after it came back on the people doing construction down theroad broke our water pipe. We have been on a boil water effect forabout 26hrs now.. and I can't take a shower :X, it's driving me nuts!

good news. All is well and Balooga is actingquite himself. and quite just as lively too. He was a little cautiousfor a couple of days but as right as rain now. talk about ascare that scream was, I was picturing him havinging broken something,thankgoodness he is fine!!!!
Oh, that's such good news! I worry all the time about Bo getting his leg caught in his cage or something........

Could we have a new pic just to um... uhh.... confirm his condition? ;)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Oh, that's such good news! I worry all the timeabout Bo getting his leg caught in his cage or something........

Could we have a new pic just to um... uhh.... confirm his condition? ;)
LMAO you'll have told hold on i'm trying to organizepictures:phe will be having pictures taken rEALsoon, his scarap bok pic is coming up soon. so I HAVE to snapnew ones ;)

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