balance problems, weight loss

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Mar 20, 2012
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vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I have written on the topic of weight loss in my rabbit before but want to inquire about middle ear infections and appropriate drugs for this.

My 9 year old Holland lop-eared miniature rabbit Buns has had balance problems, unusual avoidance of touching of ears, and has lost enough weight in the past 2-3 weeks so that he is now significantly underweight, though eating ravenously.

He is very unsteady and the vet put him on benazeprial (also has heart enlargement, kidney function is decreased) and meclizine (for balance problem). He has been on metacam for some time for possible arthritis but I am supposed to stop that now.

He had bulging eye on one side about 5 years ago and the vet performed surgery on him (apologies, I can't recall the details but could provide them if that is helpful). Since then he has had a chronic infection of the little tract that runs in from just under the ear. I clean it and flush it every day. In the past few weeks since he lost the weight, he turns away when I am trying to do this. The vet thought the area on the outside of the tract was not tender. I also noticed some resistance on the syringe when I try to flush the tract and it has largely stopped exuding pus (prior to this it was exuding enough for daily attention).

Questions: 1) could all of this add up to a middle ear infection (weight loss, ravenous appetite, balance problems, lack of pus), as the vet suggested this 2) the vet put him on azithromycin but I have read that this drug is not recommended for rabbitsso I haven't used it yet 3) what drug would be better?

Any assistance would be very much appreciated!

Thank you,
With Neville's Wry Neck which was brought on by an inner ear infection, he didn't loose his balance but his eyes were spinning. To alleviate this inner ear infection, the Vet gave us Baytril (antibotic) meclizine (balance), metacam (pain relief).

Neville did not show any signs of being sick until we came home and I found him hiding in his house. When I brought out, I notice right away his eyes spinning, and then put him down and he ran circles.

With everything you posted, it could be a middle ear infection. But only a Vet can verify. I don't know if where you are has Baytril, but it worked for our Neville.

Also ivermectin is recommended for inner ear infections, but because of the VM mark, its not recommended. Just through in for FYI.

So sorry your bunny is going through so much. Hoping you find out what's really going on.

The eating & weight issues don't sound like they are related to the ear/balance issues, unless weight loss has affected the flesh around the ears somehow.
Azithromycin is a fine antibiotic for bunnies. Sometimes they get GI problems, but if you give it with a probiotic it should be ok. I think that would be a good thing to do.

Sometimes bunnies with balance issues don't eat a lot because they don't feel well. The world feeling like it's upside down can make appetite less.

Other antibiotics that are safe for bunnies can be found here:
Thank you very much for the input. I can quite see the connection between poor balance and lack of appetite. I am wondering if Buns has/had a middle ear infection, was not feeling welland so lost a lot of weight. TThere is no nystagmous (vet looked for eye rolling).

The puzzling thing is that I never noticed a decrease in his food intake. Unfortunately, I don't measure his food out every day and only get him weighed when he has his monthly vet visits to get the area around the ear channel shaved (so that it can be cleaned more easily).

He has always been a good eater but now he is ravenous. Perhaps he is trying to recoop the weight loss which he has somewhat. Ihave him on Timothy Hay pellets, Critical Care (loves it- eats several tablespoonsper day (of 1 tbs dry per 2 tbs water), banana slices, limited number of pieces of baby carrots, lots of parsley over the day (for the mild anemia), kale and broccoli. I keep fresh vegs to a minimum as he can't handle too much at one time.

Could his balance problems also be due to weakness from weight loss? His red blood cell count is a bit low but rbc's are still being produced.

Thank you,

Weight loss and muscle fatigue can definitely throw off balance.

I saw the weakness of being sick and losing his balance really affect Neville. Being stuck in one spot because he couldn't move made him weak. The pain med kind of made very lethargic and staying put only eating hay did make his muscles weak. Not much weight loss, but definitely weakness from not using the muscles. With the help of the meds, and being off the pain meds, he's really started to respond and use his muscles again, which definitely improved his balance and his appetite.



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